Relations With North Korea

  • China Entered the Korean War in Support of North Korea

    China had been working closely with the North Korean's in the Korean war.
  • China Provides Economic Assistance for the Reconstruction of North Korea

    After the Korean War, China and the Soviet Union gave economic assistance to the reconstruction and economy of North Korea.
  • North Korea Experiences Rapid Industrial Growth

    After the Korean War, North Korea experienced industrial growth.
  • China and North Korea Sign the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty

    China promises to give military assistance (and other help) to North Korea for any attacks.
  • North Korea Captures the USS Pueblo

    North Korea captures a U.S. naval ship, this causes the U.S's relationship with North Korea to grow more tense.
  • North Korea Joins the INN Treaty

    INN treaty stands for international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, North Korea signed the treaty which bars them from producing nuclear weapons.
  • North and South Korea Join the United Nations

    This is surprising due to how strained North and South relations are.
  • International Atomic Energy Agency Claims North Korea Violated the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    The IAEA demanded that they were given access to North Korea's nuclear waste storage, so North Korea threatens to quit the treaty.
  • North Korea Tests and Fires a Rodong ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan

    This causes a strain on Japan and the other surrounding countries because this pollutes water.
  • North Korea Experiences an Extreme Famine

    This famine killed millions and North Korea is still getting over it today.