Dsc 0755

China's Oldest Treasures

By Lkyg
  • 7.2% of China's population is over 60 years old.

    7.2% of China's population is over 60 years old.
    Figure taken from World Health Organization (WHO) China Report 2012.
  • "One-Child Policy" begins

    "One-Child Policy" begins
    This government policy prohibited Chinese couples from having more than one child as a way to limit population growth, ensure economic stability, and raise the standard of living in China. (Official date according to http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1710568/one-child-policy)
  • 10. 2% of China's population is over 60 years old.

    10. 2% of China's population is over 60 years old.
    Figure taken from World Health Organization (WHO) China Report 2012
  • "New Elder-Care Policy" begins.

    "New Elder-Care Policy" begins.
    The "New Elder-Care Policy" marked an increase in the social security premium. The Chinese government, enterprises and individuals pooled money to establish an old-age pension for its citizens.
  • “Progressive Delaying Retirement Age Policy” introduced

    “Progressive Delaying Retirement Age Policy” introduced
    The third plenary session of 18th CPC central committee session decided to carry out their research on “delaying retirement age policy”. If the policy is implemented, people’s retirement age will be 65 years old (currently, the retirement age for man is 60 years old and the woman is 50 years old). According to a poll conducted by Ren Min Website in 2013, nearly 70 percent respondents objected delaying retirement age.(More information can be found on http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=TYUb8ROgYep3Z)
  • One-child policy eased

    One-child policy eased
    The Chinese government announces the easing of the one-child policy. Couples are now allowed to have two children if one of the parents is an only child. (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2013-11/15/c_132891920.htm)
  • “House-for-Pension” program begins

    “House-for-Pension” program begins
    This program is a Chinese version of reverse mortgages and allows elderly clients to deed their houses in exchange for a certain amount of money monthly. Elderlies can reside in the houses until they pass away, then the properties will be auctioned to pay back their loan. The Chinese government has implemented this pilot project in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Guangzhou. More information about the "House-for-Pension" Program can be found on http://www.chinabidding.com/news.jhtml?method=de
  • 20.2% of China's population will be over 60 years old (estimated)

    20.2% of China's population will be over 60 years old (estimated)
    Figure taken from World Health Organization (WHO) China Report 2012.
  • 33.9% of China's population will be over 60 years old (estimated)

    33.9% of China's population will be over 60 years old (estimated)
    Figure taken from World Health Organization (WHO) China Report 2012.