Great Wall
contruction began in the 3rd century and ended in the 17th centry. Many workers died while building it. -
Silk Road
A big part of yheir history begans many people used this to travel form place to place and it was a long har journey traveling on it -
Jan 27, 600
Buddha born
in the sixth century B.C. buddha was born. He formed the religion of buddhism. -
Jan 27, 1368
Ming dynasty
A big part in China's history where art florished. China was about half the size it is today. -
Jan 27, 1421
Discover America
Chinease could have discoverd he americas but stopped and Christopher did. They might not have known they did. -
Jan 27, 1471
Conqour cease
Could of conqured the world but the current emperor at the time halted this because of lack of money.