Sun Yat-Sen is the 1st president of China
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Sun Yat-Sen
China's first president and founder of the GMD -
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A period of unrest and no main leadership in China. It was the start of Mao's rise to power. -
May 4th Movement
An anti-imperialist, cultural and political movement by Chinese students in Beijing against the Treaty of Versailles. It started the revolution -
Founding of Guomindang
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Guomindang (in China)
Chinese Nationalist Party that was founded by Sun Yat-Sen. It was the primary opposition against the CCP. -
Founding of CCP
Comintern enter China to advise the CCP
An association of Communist parties of the world. They promoted Communism around the world and led to Maoism in China -
Death of Sun Yat-Sen
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Jiang Jieshi
One of the leaders of the GMD and the President of the Chinese Republic. In 1927 he broke the United Front and purged the communists -
Jiang Jieshi breaks the United Front and purges the CCP
Jiang Jieshi breaks the United Front and purges the CCP -
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Civil War - part 1
Jiang Jieshi leads the government of China
Long March
A military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the CCP to evade the pursuit of the nationalists. It started the revolution. -
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Sino Japanese War
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Civil War - part 2
Founding of the People's Republic of China
Mao proclaims the formation of the People’s Republic of China -
Jiang Jieshi flees to Taiwan
Jiang Jieshi flees to Taiwan, where he establishes the Republic of China in exile -
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Korean War
Invasion of Tibet
China shows its power by invading and taking over Tibet, a small nation bordering China -
"Resiste America and Aid Korea"
Mao Zedong agrees to Chinese intervention in the Korean War. The rallying cry was "Resist America and Aid Korea". The propaganda promoted the War and produced hatred towards the US -
Three/Five Anti-Campaigns launched
Reform movements launched in an effort to get rid of corruption in Chinese cities and of enemies of the state. It isolated Mao's power and allowed him to be the "supreme leader" -
Slogan of the Chinese criminal justice system, meaning "reform through labor", refers to the use of prisioners' forced labor. It provided free labor to the economy and still exists -
Period: to
1st Five-Year Plan
Five-Year Plans are ambitious economic growth and social development initiatives. The first plan was intended to speed up industrial growth and socialization -
100 Flowers Campaign (5 months)
Campaign created by the Communist government to lift restrictions on intellectuals to voice their opinions about the government and issues of the day. It provided greater freedom of thought and speech. A political strategy by Mao -
A collective of people living together and sharing responsibility for production, security and/or political ideas. It unified ideology and homogeneous living -
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2nd Five-Year Plan ("The Great Leap Forward")
Five-year plan that was hugely unsuccessful, which reduced Mao's popularity -
Group of Five or Five Men Group
An informal committee created to evaluate the potential for a "cultural revolution" in China. Its works displeased Mao and the group was disbanded / purged. -
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3rd Five-Year Plan
Cultural Revolution Group - CRG
Replaced the "Five Man Group". It played a central role in the Cultural Revolution's first few years, becoming hugely powerful. It consisted mainly of radical supporters of Mao. -
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Cultural Revolution
The objective was to preserve 'true' Communist values by purging what was left of capitalists and traditional elements from Chinese society, and to re-impose Maoism as the principal ideology within the Party -
Struggle Sessions
A form of public humiliation and torture used by Mao's CCP, since the revolution but particularly during the Cultural Revolution. It aimed at shaping public opinion and to remove political rivals and class enemies through public denunciation, beatings and humiliation. -
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4th Five-Year Plan
Gang of Four (4 years)
Political faction composed of four CCP officials. They came to prominence during the Cultural Revolution and were later charged with a series of crimes. They controlled the power organs of the CCP in the later stages of the Cultural Revolution. -
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Gang of Four (lasts 4 years)
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5th Five-Year Plan
Mao's death
Deng Xiaoping
Leader of the Communist Party responsible for economic reforms and for China's opening up to the global economy -
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6th Five-Year Plan