China Economic Timeline

  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    This event played a role in China become the number two economic world power. This event was the first time China allowed other countries to enter their country to setup factories and the spread ideas throughout China created jobs.
  • Long March

    Long March
    This event improved China's economy by the Communist army controlled by Mao Zedong defeated and the Nationalist army. This was when China was in full communist control which improved the economy greatly when they forced the Nationalist party.
  • Great Leap Forward

    Great Leap Forward
    This event Started to modernize China because it moved a large mass of people into communes. From the communes everyone had a job in farming, road building, etc.they had to do. In return they would receive food, clothing, medical care, child care, schooling, and recreation.
  • Four Modernizations

    Four Modernizations
    This event opened up China to the rest of the world because China started to use machines in farming to increase the production of goods. They also set up factories and opened up trading to the rest of the world. In the farming and the factories the government setup a responsibility system where you where responsible for making stuff for yourself and the government.