The Boxer Rebellion
The Boxer Rebellion was started because of the foreign influence in china's economy. The government tried getting rid of foreign influence in th economy but failed. -
Long March
Mao gains te support of the peasants because he treats peasants farily and pays for food. He also promises them everything they what to hear and is able to put in place communism. her was a vey short lived boost to the economy. -
Great Leap Forward
The Great LeapForward was created to stimulate the economy and agriculture. particular jobs were assigned to communes to reach goals of industrialization or agriculture. To modernize china the government took control of the economy, farms, and industries. in addition the government provided for all the peoples needs. -
Four Modernizations
China's Economy boomed an the industrial output rose. China turned into the 2nd largest economy in 2010. The government, still controlling much of the economy, allowed 2 economic reforms that were based on free market/capitalist ideas. 1. allowed private individuals to make a profit and own business. 2. open chin to foreign trade and foreign investment in chine companies and industries.