
  • Mar 6, 1415

    Grand Canal

    the Grand Canal is what conected the Yellow river and Yangtze River. The canal started in Beijinh and went through places such as Zhejing to the city of Hangzhou
  • Mar 6, 1421

    Beijing, China's capital

    China moved their capital during the Ming dynasty in order to avoid being invaded by the nomads
  • Mar 6, 1433

    Zheng Voyages

    in 1405, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty gave Zheng the authorization to take his first voyage acrros the Indian Ocean.
  • Mar 6, 1433

    Zheng voyages comming to and end

    Zhengs voyages were cancel because the new empreror that had come into place did not want China to trade among others countries.
  • Mar 6, 1582

    Japans Attacks

    Japan attacked China in 1582 starting their decline by making them grow weaker and weaker
  • Ming Dynasty decline

    The military starting to grow weak. This happen because China was involved in many wars that were too much for their military
  • The Manchu in China

    The Ming Emperor invited the Manchu to china in order to help stop the revolts.
  • The Quing Dyansty

    When the Ming invited the Mnachu into China, the Manchu took over the kingdom by taking over Beijing and them over throwing the Emperor of the Ming dynasty
  • Quing(Manchu) Culture

    The Quing kept many of the old traditions. Elders were to be respected, still a patriarchal society
  • Kangxi

    Kangxi was a early Quing Ruler. He was a confucuian scholar, and involved himself in ChINESE LEARNING AND ARTS
  • Christians in China

    The Quing Emperor denied entrance to Christians into China. The emperor believed that the Christians were weak.
  • Opium in China

    in the beginning of th e1800's, the British introduce Opium to china.
  • Opium is ban

    in the 1830's the Emepror sent Lin Zexu to find and block Canton. Destryoing any warehouse in which the Europeans were secretly selling Opium
  • Opium War

    When China decided that they did not want to sell no more opium they ban the drug. This made the Europeans mad and secretly sold their drug. When China found that out they were mad causing a War to brake out in which China would be the loosing team