China and its change

By nicpoch
  • Period: to

    the Qing dynasty

    The last dynasty that ruled China before it went to other forms of goverment.
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    Emperor Xuantong

    The last emperor of the Qing dynasty that was then he was imprisioned in Shenyang.
  • the Kuomitang Revolution

    the Kuomitang Revolution
    the Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen broke out and overthrew the Empire of Qing, bringing two thousand years of Chinese feudal monarchy to an end.
  • May Fourth movement

    May Fourth movement
    The movement was directed toward national independence, emancipation of the individual, and rebuilding society and culture.
    Was mostly made up by students that learned the new world philosophies.
  • Shanghai massacre

    Shanghai massacre
    The CCP organise a strike against Chiang and the KMT. They are brutally suppressed, around 5,000 people are killed, including Yang Kaihui, Mao’s second wife, and Li Dazhao, who is executed by slow strangulation.
    Beginning of the Civil War
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    Chinese Civil War

    The fight between the Kuomintang, that had Nationalist ideals and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), that had Communist ideals.
  • The Long March

    The Long March
    The retreat of the Red Army of the CCP, controled by Mao Zedong, from the KMT.
    They went from Jiangxi to Shaanxi.
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    The Second Sino-Japanese

    The war in which Japan tried to conquer China for imperialist ideals.
    They got to Naiking and then the chinese guerrilla warfare stopped them.
    They stopped the Civil War
  • Nanking Massacre

    Nanking Massacre
    Japans army was order to kill the civilians of Nanking after they conquered the city.
  • People's Republic of China

     People's Republic of China
    China has entered a new Communist era of stability
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    Communist Political Party

    Mao Zedong leadership.
    creation of many social and economical reforms
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    Economic Reforms

    Reform and Opening Up policies of 1978, bringing in China’s phenomenal economic growth.