Period: to
1st Opium War
British Want to sell China Opium
China says no
British push into war
End in Treaty of Nanjing -
Treaty of Nanjing
Weakened China
Peace Treaty
Give Hong Kong to British
Big Trade deficit
led to unstable China -
Period: to
Taiping Rebellion
Killed over 20 million
Guy thought he was Jesus brother
West help end rebellion once China agreed to the treaty -
2nd Opium War
China fire on US ship
China does not want to revise Treaty of Nanjing
Bigger impacts
West win
Opium trade legal
Increased western presence -
Period: to
Chinese Exclusion Act
Banned Chineses immigration to the US -
Open Door Policy
Spheres of influence are places where western powers have economic areas
US wanted one so make open door policy
created equal terms -
Period: to
Boxer Rebellion
Backlash against West
Have martial arts
killer foreigners
US help extinguish rebellion
received 25 million and invested it in education -
Qing Dynasty overthrown -
May Fourth Movement
In response to Treaty of Versillis
nationalism -
Period: to
Chinese Civil War
Nationalist vs. Communists
Chang Kai Shek leads nationalists
He was trained by USSR
Mao Sedong leads communists
Pause during WWII
Nationalist lost because they did not know that land
Depended on US
No peasant support
Communists win because they had peasant support
knew the land
military tactics
Chang establish ROC in Taiwan after war loss
PROC becomes modern China -
Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Use railroad conflict to do it
League of Nations investigates, says Japan is the aggressor, but no impact
West ignored it -
Period: to
2nd Sino-Japenese War
Rape of Nanking occurred
During WWII
Japan take Nanking, and brutally oppresses people
Started on bridge
Journalists snuk tapes out
Chine trys to retaliate after Beijing is captured so go after Shanghai
Japan see China as inferior -
Period: to
Great Leap Forward
Mao industrialized very fast
agrarian economy
environment suffers
private farming is illegal
Cause famine that kills 40m -
Period: to
Cultural Revolution
Communist everything
Get rid of Old Habits, Customs, Ideas, and culture
Purged everything he did not like -
Tiananmin Square Protests
Protest corruption
Want economic reform
Human Rights
Army uses war bullets as protest grow
Tank man stands in front of tank
Is famous
Stands for people discontent and bravery -
Modern China
Human rights bad
Censorship a lot
have been reforms
still corruption
little free speech
Taiwan is a tricky thing for US relations
One China Policy