
By XM-2187
  • 1770 BCE

    Chinese Hieroglyphs

    Chinese Hieroglyphs
    Some chinese writing that dates back to 1700 is found
  • 1045 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    religion has a major influence on writing as Taoism and Confucian literature become prominent
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty
    The Qin emperor wanted to keep control of his land, so he had books that may spread harmful ideas destroyed
  • 206 BCE


    writing paper is invented and scientific text is started to be written
  • 618

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    Romance started to be a recurring theme throughout poetry
  • 1279

    Yuan Dynasty

    As a result of an increase in immigration plays, operas and dramas become more prominate
  • 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    China rebels a against the Mongols and begin to travel
  • Qing Dynasty

    Literature from other countries starts to become more availible
  • 1912

    Ideas from the western world are started to be incorporated in to Chinese culture
  • Modern Era

    Chinese literature begins to influenced by western culture
  • 1940s

    China becomes succumbs to communist influence which results in government censoring literature