
  • Period: Oct 30, 1350 to

    China HIstory

  • Oct 30, 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    Ming Dynasty
    During the Ming dynasty, there was a war beetween China and the Mongols. China won the battle, and afterward, the emporers wanted to rid China of all Mongol influences and restore the glory that China had during the Han, Tang etc. dynasties.
    The emporers also wanted to avoid more invaders, so they strengthened the Great Wall of China. To keep nomadic tribes from banning together and rising angainst China, they gave them gifts and honors. the ming dynasty lasted for around 300 years.
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    In the last days of the Ming Dynastty, a leadeer named Nurhachi unified forces and in 1644 they captured the capital. aftter the victory, Manchu people took over China. They kept chinese traditions, and incorporated some of their own, such as the queue. The population grew rapidly and unrest spread throughout China. The White Lotus Rebellion among others caused the downfall of this dynasty. And the qing dynasty was the last imperial dynasty in China.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    The British traded with China to get tea. However, they were running out of resources, so they traded an addictive drug, opium, to China. A lot of the population of China became addicted. The Chinese pleaded with the British to stop the trade, but the British declined. When China tried to forefully stop the trade, war broke out. Beacuse of lack of arms and skills, the Chinese were easily defeated.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    The leader of this rebellion said that he was the younger brother of Jesus and that he was going to make another dynasty, called Taiping. The Taiping Rebellion lasted for fourteen years. Millions of people were killed. Thousands of acres of land were destroyed. Other rebellions followed. The Taiping Rebellion seriously weakend the Qing Dynasty and played a big role in its downfall.
  • SIno-Japanese War

    SIno-Japanese War
    China had a strong hold on Korea, and didnt allow other countries to enter. The Japanese had their eyes on Korea for a long time, and wanted to get the country before western powers could get to it. Meanwhile in Korea rebillions were breaking out. They wanted their country to be freed from China. Japan and China sent troops to Korea and war broke out. Everyone thought that the Chinese would win because thier army was bigger, but Japan defeated China.
  • China Becomes a Republic

    China Becomes a Republic
    In 1910, the Qing Dynasty was finally bought to an end. The next year China became a republic. The republic was ruled by the Kuomintang, the Nationalist party. The government was corrupt in that it wasnt stable throughout all of china. It was soon taken over by Yuan.
  • Yuan Shikai

    Yuan Shikai
    After the Republic was esatblished, the Manchu tried to overthrow it again with Yuan Shiaki. He betrayed them, and became president of the Republic. in 1913. The Kuomintang led a revolt against Yuan, but the revolt failed. Yuan then became a dictator and tried to name himself emporer, but military officials stopped that right away.
  • The Long March

    The Long March
    It is the asian version of Trail of Tears. Kai-shek forced opposing Communists out of their bases. That marked the beginning of the Long March. The Communists had to march nearly 6,000 miles. Around 100,000 communists started the march. Only a few thousand actually finished.
  • The Great Leap Forward

    The Great Leap Forward
    The Great Leap was launched in 1958. It was the idea that will power can acheive all. During the Great Leap, China industrialized, hired more workers, made hours longer, and improved efficiency of farms. However, it was horrble for the economy. China had depressions, food shortages, etc. It took China until 1962 to recover from the damage.
  • China revolutionary war

    China revolutionary war
    In northern china, everything was ruled by the warlords. In central China, Sun Yat-sen, who was replac ed by Shikai, came back and was reorganizing the Nationalist party. He prepared the army to attack the north. The soviet union was also trying to help the nationalists, by convincing the communists to join them. Sun died in 1925 and Kai-shek took over. Under him the Nationalists won a lot of battles and captured the capital. For the first time since 1916 China had one government.