China 1919-1939

  • May 4th Uprising

    Protests Chinese government capitulation because of their response of the Treaty of Versailles.It was an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement growing out of student participants in Beijing.
  • Founding of CCP in Shanghai

    The Chinese Communist Party was first founded in 1921. It was the first Communist Party in China
  • Johnson-Reed Immigration Act

    This act excluded all immigration from Asia completely. Meaning no more people were allowed into Asia from a different place.
  • Sun Yat-sen Dies

    Sun Yat-sen died on May 30th,1925. Sun Yat-sen was a philosopher and the first president of the republic of China. After his death, revolution movements were sparked.
  • First Alliance Between CCP and Nationalists

    The First United Front alliance between the CCP and Nationalists occurred in 1926.
  • Anti-Communist Purge

    In 1927, Nationalists started the Anti-Communist Purge. The Nationalist were fed up with the ways of Communism and began to revolt against it. On April 12th, 1927 the Shanghai massacre occurred causing a feud between the Nationalists and Communism.
  • Chiang Kai-shek’s New Life Movement begins.

    The New Life Movement was a government led civic movement in 1930s China to promote cultural reform and Neo-Confucian social morality.
  • Long March

    The Long March was a military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China.
  • Xian Incident

    It was a great turning point in Chinese history. The arrest of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek led to a truce between the Nationalists and Communists.
  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident

    The Marco Polo Bridge Incident occurred on July 7th, 1937 and led to the invasion of mainland China. This set off the battle of Shanghai which lasted from Mid August to November of that year.