China 149-1976

By YMakram
  • Period: to


  • Formation of the People's Republic of China

    After ending the 20 year civilwar, Mao Zedong officially forms the People's Republic of China. After its formation the communist party soon became friends with the largest communist force, the Soviet Union. As a result the PRC eventually started getting econominc support from the Soviet Union.This party which still exists today leads one of the world's most powerfull nations.
  • Korean War

    On the 25th of June 1950, Chinese forces invade South Korea quickly turning the tide of the war until the west got involved. China's involvements lead to condemnation and sanctions from the west. Even thought the Chinese army was under equipped they stood as a major force until three years later an armistice was signed to end the war.
  • Agrarian Law

    This law was created to transform the capitalists into comunists. this was done by distributing land equally to the pesents from capitalist landlords.
  • Five-Anit Campaign

    This campaign that was launched was meant to eliminate corruption, tax evasion and cheating buy increasing the price of the penalty. Hundreds of thousands of businesses were checked and so this resulted in many capitalist businesses becoming anti-capitalist to avoid problems.
  • Agricultural Co-operatives

    This brought the entire peasant production under state control, increasing the communist grip over the Chinese lives. This is a major step for communism in China.
  • Gao Gang

    Mao finds out that Gao Gang is planning to take Liu's Shaoqi's position after telling him how Liu isn’t up to standards and so he arrests him. Mao masterminds these plans to figure out who is willing to create divisions in the party and so to get rid of them
  • "Hundred Flowers Bloom"

    After realizing that the nation needs educated people, Mao stated that he was ready to let "… a hundred flowers bloom." So his education campaign started by giving people freedom of education and opening multiple education institutes. This plan hurt his party more then it helped. People started to question everything, including the government causing Mao to stop the campaign.
  • Great Leap Forward

    In 1958 Mao created the "Great Leap Forward" plan. The aim was to expand China’s industrial and agriculture sectors. As this plan was implemented the complete opposite happened. Agriculture output was disrupted and so famines started appear to a population fully dependant on the government to feed them their rations.
  • Power shift

    In 1960, Liu Shaoqi grabs Mao’s position as Head of the party and blames him for the disastrous results of his “Great Leap Forward” plan. So this new leader tries to fix the destruction Mao caused by restoring everything to how they were before. Causing the economy to slowly recover.
  • Power struggle

    Mao retakes his position as leader by starting the Cultural Revolution. This was aimed to end capitalism and promote communism. As a result of his harsh way of governess, Mao gained lots of hate in the years ahead.
  • Coup Attempt

    In 1971 Lin Biao attempts to over throw Mao as leader of the party showing how the PRC has been weakened from within over the years.
  • Maos Death

    In September 9th 1976, after years of declining health Mao dies which leads to another power struggle. At the end the power goes to Deng Xiaoping who later loosens up the communist grip on the country. As a result China’s economy booms