CHINA 1400-1915

  • Jan 1, 1400

    Zheng He's river voyages

    Zheng He's river voyages
    Zheng He went around in huge ships to bring the attentions of other people. Basically, the voyages were to portray that China was strong. The voyages ended in 1433.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


  • Manchu/ Qing Dynasty

    Manchu/ Qing Dynasty
    Around the 1650's
    Nurhaci took control of China under Manchu. Officials called for help because they needed help stoping a rebellion, but it turned out that the plan backfired and they invaded China instead of helping. They soon also took over Beijing. They called themselves the Qing.
  • OPIUM :(

    In 1773, British traders introduced opium to the Chinese. Opium is a drug to which people can get addicted very quickly. Opium addicts can become poor due to spending too much money on the drug.
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    The first opium was occurred when Europe imported opium. Opium led to wealthy chinese people to become addicted and not work for anything. Therefore China slowly declining.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    China was forced to sign this treaty. Britain gained rights to expand their trade with China. This led to more people being addicted to opium
  • Hong Kong!!

    In 1843, Britain took control and declared Hong Kong its own colony. This was a huge development because that went beyong trading rights.
  • Second Opium War

    Second Opium War
    There was a second opium war for four years. It happened when China resisted British attemps to expand opium trade. Again, China lost and so it opened to more trade for Europeans.
  • Self Strenghtening Government

    This is the time period when the Manchu Dynasty tried to get its act together.
  • Sino French war

    This was when the Chinese lost control of Vietnam to the French. The French colonized it. Then it was called French Indochina.
  • Sino Japanese War

    The Chinese were defeated by the Japanese. Japan wanted some action in China. This happened a decade after the Sino French War.
  • Treaty of Shimonoseki

    China was forced to give up Taiwan. China was also forced to grant Japan trading rights just like the Europeans. Also, during this time, Japan defeated the Koreans.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Anti-Manchu, anti-European, and anti-Christian people were known as Boxers. They wanted to get the Europeans and Japanese out of China. They were very unsuccessful because China was forced to sign the Boxer Protocol and had to pay Europeans and Japanese for all the damage. This made the Manchu be more humiliated.
  • Open Door Policy

    This was when the United States pledged its sovereignty of the Chinese government. It announced equal trading privileges among all imperial powers. This basically means Europe and the United States.
  • Qing Dynasty

    During this time period, the dynasty starts to decline. The is government corruption, food shortages, weak military.
  • Foot Binding

    Foot Binding
    Foot Binding was abolished. Foot binding was when women would stop their feet from growing by wearing special shoes or wrapping their feet. Women with big feet were not accepted because big feet were seen as manly so they would have no husband or jobs.
  • Civil Service Exam

    Civil Service Exam
    In 1905, The 2,000 year old Chinese Examination System was eliminated. There was a seen decline in the exams because of cheating and bribery. Therefore, it was not as useful.