River reduced

China 1400-1915

  • Jan 1, 1405

    Zheng He

    Zheng He
    Zheng He started an expedition where he travled thourgh out Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. The voage ended when they were canceled due to no money. The Ming emperor canceled because they need money for usage inside the civilization.
  • Mar 6, 1415

    Grand Canal

    Grand Canal
    The Grand Canal was completed in 1415. It starts Beijing, it passes through Tianjin , Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the city of Hangzhou, it links Yellow River and Yangtze River .
  • Mar 6, 1420


    In 1420 Beijing was declared the capital of China. After the construction od teh Forbidden City Beijing was the new capital of China. Still reminds capital right now.
  • Mar 6, 1567


    The Hajiin was a law that Hongwu Emperor propose a policy to ban all maritime shipping and in 1567 it was repealed. Shipping was now allow again.
  • Mar 6, 1580


    In the 1580's there wre brilliant Jesuit scholars who spent most of their time in the imperial ciry. They corrected calendars, forged cannons, fix clocks ecported from Europe, and exnted schoalr genrtry.
  • Ming Emperor

    The Ming emperor invites Qing warrios from Manchuria to help put down a peasant uprsing. Ming didn't have a strong enough military to fight against the peasants.
  • Qing Dynasy begins

    Qing Dynasy begins
    Qing warriors threw out the Ming emperor. Quing dynasty begins when they Manchu took over China. Manchu warriors attacked Beijing when they were let in to help China fight.
  • Kangxi

    In the 1700's Kagxi was a significant Confucian scholar. Him and other Manchu rulers employed thousands of scholars. Together they complie great encyclopedias fro the Chiniese learning.
  • Chrisitanity

    The Chinese were very protective with their culture and their relion ractices. So they didn't want Europeans culture to threatened their culture, so they banned Christianity.
  • Opium

    British traders had offered to trade opium with the Chinese at first. The British wanted to make the Chinese weak, so later on they could attack the Chinese and they would not be able to fight back. Opuim made them weak so it was easy to take over.
  • Opuim addiction

    Opuim addiction
    By 1838, 1% of the populaiton was addcitied to Opium. Due to the addiction many lost their jobs and their amibition. Many people died from opium aince it was really dangerous.
  • Opuim War

    Opuim War
    The first Opuim War started in 1839. Britain wanted to conquer China and they used opium to make them weak. China released that and wanted to stop the importations of Opium but China refused which liked to the war.
  • Christains back

    Britain declared possession on Hong Kong.The Manchus had to let Christian missionaries back into China because Britain was owning a colony over there.
  • Decline

    During the 18 th century, there was a decline in the Qing dynasty. Due to lacks of funds, military was weak, and the government was weak as well.
  • Opuim War 2

    China took out the rading from Britiain that brought in opium . That made Britain mad which caused the 2nd opium war. The war was 4 years long. China defeated the Britain.
  • Sino-Japanese War

    The Chinese lost the Sino-Janapese War. When they lost it lead to the Treaty of Shimonoseki where the Chinese were forced to hand over control of Taiwan to the Japanese.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer uprising broke out in 1898. It was only put down though the intevention of the imperialist powers in 1901. It was when Qing household secrelty backed populars outburts aiming to expelled the foreigners from China.
  • Service exams

    The last serive exams wee given in 1905. The exams were removed becausein the previous years the elites would cheat to make sure they passed it.
  • Last Emperor

    The last emperor of China was a small boy names Puyi,