
  • 221

    China's First Emperor

    China's First Emperor
    China’s First emperor is Qin Shi Huangdi and he unified China. This event has impacted China’s history a lot, China never had a emperor befor this and this was a culture shock for china. Everything worked out and china was a united country.
  • Japan Invades

    Japan Invades
    Japan invades China and starts to occupy more of china’s land.
  • Fight

    China and Western nations start fighting about trade issues called the Opium Wars
  • Lost

    After Japan lost in World War II a civil war breaks out in their country.
  • People of China

    Mao Zedong (Communist party leader) makes a People's Republic of China
  • U.S. Visits

    U.S. Visits
    U.S. President Nixon becomes the first president to visit the communist country.
  • 1 Million

    1 Million
    1 Million students protest for democracy in China’s Tiananmen Square but the army takes over and ends the protest.
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong
    China regains power over Hong Kong