
  • Opium War

    The Chinese destroyed a shipment of British opium because they were sending it illegally to China. The Bristish declared war. They Chinese lost by a long shot because their weapons were out dated compared to the British's. This defet made the Chinese realize that it was a mistake to keep themselves iscolated.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Foreingers are flooding into China.The main landers are becomeing angered. They rebel in attempt to chase the foreingers out. It was unsuccsessful.
  • Ci Xi's Death

    Ci Xi remained in power after the uprising of the Boxers. However, when she died, the Qing dynasty broke. China declared itself a republic, which ended the ancient system of imperial rule.
  • San Yatsen

    Becuase of Ci Xi's death, China decided to become a republic, the swich was not very smooth though. There were civil wars, for many people claimed the right to rule over China. In the mist of all of this trouble, Sun Yatsen created an army to stop the fighting, but was forced out of office in 1912.
  • Long March

    The communists were greatly outnumbered, so they fled from Chaing. Mao led them in a 6,000 mile long trek from southeastern China to the remote northwestern province of Shaanxi. It lasted more than a year.