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The Chilly War

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution started by the petition of the Russians; they were going through war and were tired of being killed and starved so they decided to get out of the war and become the world's first Communist state.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam Conference was a conference that brought together US. President Truman, Soviet Leader Stalin, and Prime Minister Winston to discuss and negotiate terms for the last of WWII.
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    The United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan because President Truman believed that this would bring the war to a more speedy end. Three days later they dropped another bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was the name of the division of Europe, it was the blockade of the soviet union not having contact with the west and non-soviet controlled areas.
  • Hollywood 10

    Hollywood 10
    In October, 1947, 10 movie producers, directors and screenwriters refused to answers questions about possible communist affiliations by the house Un-american activities committee after this they were taken to prison without any evidence. Then they were put in Hollywood's blacklist.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was a US. principle that supported the right of US. trying to help out smaller countries that were threatened by the Soviet Union forces. Then, President Truman gave a speech about how he was going to help them and in the eyes of the Soviet this meant war, the beginning of the cold war.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    It is officially called the European Recovery Program. The US. gave financial aid to Western Europe which was nearly 110 of dollars in 2016 US. dollars to help them out after all the destruction of their economy after WWII.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    Berlin Blockade was a time that Soviet Union Russia decided to blocked the Western Allies' railways, road and canal that gives access to the sectors of Berlin; this meant starving for those people there. Airlift was the outcome of the Berlin Blockade because what they tried to do failed and they had to lift the blockade.
  • NATO

    This is North Atlantic Treaty Organization, that was military alliance of Europe and North America to make a stronger bond with international ties between each other.
  • Soviet Bomb Test

    Soviet Bomb Test
    Soviet created their first atomic bomb, they tested this in modern-day Kazakhstan.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Korean war started when the North Korean communist army crossed and invaded non-communist South Korea. The used soviet tanks this quickly destroyed Korea and US. came to help out South Korea.
  • Khrushchev Takes over

    Khrushchev Takes over
    Khrushchev takes over for Stalin when he died in March 1953, Khrushchev had helped in the past mobilize troops to fight Nazi Germany in the Ukraine, he showed himself as a possible successor.
  • Eisenhower's Massive Retaliation Policy

    Eisenhower's Massive Retaliation Policy
    This was a military doctrine and nuclear strategy in which states signed to retaliate much bigger force in event of an attack
  • Army-McCarthy Hearings

    Army-McCarthy Hearings
    This were US. Senate's subcommittee on investigations hearings that discuss and investigated conflict accusations between US. Army and US. Senator Joseph McCarthy.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This was a military alliance of communist nations including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Soviet Union. This was an answer to NATO.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    This was a long conflict that pitted the US. and the remnants of the French colonial government in South Vietnam against communist Vietnamese independence movement which after French was kick out.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    This was a nationwide revolt against communist governments of the Hungarian peoples republic and its soviet policies.
  • U2 Incident

    U2 Incident
    This incident happened when Eisenhower was in presidency and the premiership of Khrushchev. The U2 spy plane (which was an US. plane) was shot down while in Soviet Union airspace.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    This invasion of Cuba was by 1,500 Cubans exiles, they were trained by the US. government and financed to occur.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    This wall was built by the government of East Germany to separate East and West Berlin to keep East Berlin from defecting the West of Berlin.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was an important event in the Cold war because the Soviet Union joined with Cuba to start building missiles and protected them from the US.
  • Detente Under Nixon

    Detente Under Nixon
    To avoid nuclear risk, US. president Richard Nixon invited Leonid Brezhnev to Washington DC. to talk about foreign policies; for the better of US. and the Soviet Union.
  • The Reagan Doctrine

    The Reagan Doctrine
    The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy to overwhelmed the global influence of the Soviet Union to try to end the Cold War.
  • Raegan's Berlin Wall Speech

    Raegan's Berlin Wall Speech
    He made a speech about how Soviet Union leader should take down the Berlin Wall that had been separating East and West Berlin.
  • Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    Fall Of The Berlin Wall
    After the downfall of everything, the communist leader decided to take the Berlin Wall down and West could go now East.