Lago chungara lauca national park


By dehm88
  • 1553

    Araucanians capture and kill Valdivia.

    Araucanians capture and kill Valdivia.
  • Junta in Santiago proclaims autonomy for Chile following the overthrow of the king of Spain by Napoleon.

    Junta in Santiago proclaims autonomy for Chile following the overthrow of the king of Spain by Napoleon.
  • Spain regains control of Chile.

    Spain regains control of Chile.
  • Spanish defeated by Army of the Andes led by Jose de San Martin and Bernardo O'Higgins at the battles of Chacabuco and Maipu.

    Spanish defeated by Army of the Andes led by Jose de San Martin and Bernardo O'Higgins at the battles of Chacabuco and Maipu.
  • Chile becomes independent with O'Higgins as supreme leader.

    Chile becomes independent with O'Higgins as supreme leader.
  • O'Higgins forced to resign; civil war between liberal federalists and conservative centralists ends with conservative victory.

    O'Higgins forced to resign; civil war between liberal federalists and conservative centralists ends with conservative victory.
  • Civil war over constitutional dispute between president and congress ends in congressional victory, with president reduced to figurehead.

    Civil war over constitutional dispute between president and congress ends in congressional victory, with president reduced to figurehead.
  • Communist Party banned.

    Communist Party banned.
  • May - 45 young soldiers perish in a blizzard, prompting calls for an end to compulsory military service.

    May - 45 young soldiers perish in a blizzard, prompting calls for an end to compulsory military service.
  • August - Chile and China sign a free-trade deal, Beijing's first in South America.

    August - Chile and China sign a free-trade deal, Beijing's first in South America.