- The newborn is able to suck (reflex)
- turn his head and cry (reflex)
- has a grasping reflex (reflex)
Period: to
2 to 3 months
-The baby develops the physical ability to raise head to 45 degrees to look forward (physical)
-roll over from their stomach to their backs. (Physical )
-Babies develope the ability to follow you with their eyes (perceptual)
- smile at the sound and sight of their parents. (Perceptual) -
Period: to
3 to 4
Understand the concept of a drop (perceptual)
-able to babble a "conversation " (language)
- can sit with support (physical)
- can gasp objects and hold them (physical) -
Period: to
4 to 6
-tries to crawl (physical)
- sits without support of hand (physical)
-understands words like "no" (language) -
Period: to
7 to 9 months
-knows own name (language)
-crawls around (physical)
-first words (language) -
Period: to
9 to 11
- drinks from cup (physical)
- imitates many actions like talking on the phone (language)
Period: to
11 to 12
-able to stand (physical)
- first steps (physical)