Settlement Act / Poor Relief Act
A pauper was entitled to monetary assistance from their parish. The Settlement Act required a proposed pauper to give sworn testimony before a Justice to determine their parish of origination, and thus the source of their poor relief (Connors 135). Image: map of St. Ann's parish (Source: http://www.londonancestor.com/maps/m-anns.htm) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/ -
Youth Population
In 1670, 29% of the English population is 14 and under (Boker 135). This number will rise until its peak of 39% in 1820. This growing number of children, along with other changes like industrialization and urbanization, helps bring children's understanding and issues to the forefront through the Victorian Era. Image: Goya, "Family of the Duke and Duchess of Osuna," 1787-88 (Source: http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/forum/gender4.html) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources -
Some Thoughts Concerning Education Published
John Locke's Some Thoughts Concerning Education is published. The book has a major impact on the 18th century understanding of childhood in its promotion of raising a child rationally through a system of rewards and shame (O'Malley). (Image Source: http://www.abebooks.com/blog/?attachment_id=1796) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/ -
Infant's Lawyer Published
The legal book Infant's Lawyer is published, identifying children as a group requiring special legal treatment (Giovanopoulos 45). (Image Source: http://c2.bibtopia.com/h/450/676/732676450.0.m.jpg) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/ -
Period: to
Poor Relief in Hackney
During this time frame, 70% of poor relief cases brought before the Justice in Hackney were brought by single women, single mothers, or for children--the other 30% were single males and families in approximately equal amounts (Connors 139). http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/ -
Marriage Act
The Marriage Act came about as a result of the rise in elopements. Under the act, marriages were only recognized if it was registered with a church and if the bridge and groom were either over 21 or had consent of parents/guardians (Brophy 67). Image: doll from 1761 in wedding dress (Source: http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O153867/mrs-powell-wedding-suit-1761-doll-in-wedding-the-powell-family/) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/ -
Emile Published
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Emile published. This book idealizes a childhood where a child learns through experience through seclusion in nature with a tutor (O'Malley). (Image Source: http://www.iisg.nl/exhibitions/censorship/f590-2004.php) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/ -
London Philanthropic Society Established
London Philanthropic Society is established "'for the Prevention of Crimes, and for a Reform Among the Poor; by training up to Virtue and Industry the Children of Vagrants and Criminals, and such who are in the Paths of Vice and Infamy'" (Boker 135) Image: chapel of the London Philanthropic Society (Source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Microcosm_of_London_Plate_061_-_Philanthropic_Society,_the_Chapel_(tone).jpg) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/ -
Youth Population Peaks
39% of the English population is 14 and under--a peak (Boker 135)! By contrast, the current population 14 and under in the United Kingdom is 18%, or less than half of what it was in 1820. (See here: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.0014.TO.ZS) Image: still from the 2005 film, Oliver Twist; Charles Dickens' novel was published in 1837 (Source: http://tinyurl.com/bsddugc) http://www.nicoledeguzman.com/dangerousdaughters/resources/