Childhood in history

  • Period: 400 BCE to 400 BCE

    Antiquity 4th century AD infanticide

    Infanticide of children was a common practice of antiquity, that the killing of children was only slowly reduced during the Middle Ages, children continued to be killed regularly until the 19th century.
    Children were dumped into rivers, dumped in dung heaps and black trenches, "potted" in jars to starve to death, and displayed on every hill and roadside, "a prey for birds, food for them to eat. Wild beasts tear
    antiquity 4th century AD infanticide
  • Period: 400 to 1300 BCE

    Mode of abandonment (4th to 13th centuries A.D.)

    Once the parents began to accept that the child had a soul, the only way to escape the dangers of their own projections was by abandoning it, be it to the nurse, to the monastery or convent, to foster families, to the homes of others. noblemen as servants or hostages, or by severe emotional neglect at home.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Ambivalent mode (XIV to XVII centuries)

    The parents' job was to mold the child. Children were seen as soft wax, plaster or clay to shape the child, in addition the boy or girl were considered as the result of a contaminated sin
  • Period: to

    Intrusive mode (18th century)

    The child was no longer so full of dangerous projections, and instead of examining his insides with an enema, the parents got even closer and tried to conquer his mind, to control his insides, his anger, his needs, his masturbation, his self. Will. The child raised by intrusive parents was breastfed by the mother, not swaddled, not given regular enemas, taught early potty training, prayed but not played with, beaten but not spanked regularly.
  • Period: to

    Mode of socialization (19th and mid 20th centuries)

    Raising a child became less a process of conquering his will than of educating him, guiding him along the right paths, teaching him to adapt, socializing him
    -Furthermore, in the nineteenth century, the father for the first time began to take a more than occasional interest in the child, to train him, and sometimes even to relieve the mother of childcare tasks.
  • Period: to

    Help mode (starts mid 20th century)

    Children are not beaten or scolded, and they are apologized if yelled at under stress. Helping mode involves an enormous amount of time, energy and discussion on the part of both parents, especially in the first six years, as helping a young child reach his daily goals means continually responding, playing with him, tolerating his regressions . , being his servant and not the other way around, interpreting his emotional conflicts and providing the specific objects.