Period: 5000 BCE to 525 BCE
Old age (Egypt)
In this epoch the education depends on the social class and the formation(training) is for the social insertion. The concept of infancy is considered to be the successor of the father, high classes (Pharaohs and nobility) and low classes (peasants, craftsmen and slaves) they are considered to be breeding animals(players) of trade(office). The parents were offering tasty his(her,your) children in sacrifice looking for the favor of the gods. -
Period: 1800 BCE to 300 BCE
For the traditional Greek company (society) it was valued dwells to sound had that to daughter; the male was better (best) considered because there was thought that it (I have, she) might help to the relative (family) economy of form dwells decisive than to girl. In Athens, up to six years of age children and girls were spending (passing) most of the steals inside the gineceo, in company of the women of the house. -
400 BCE
If the father was not taking it, here the child was exposed to being left and gathering by anyone if it(he,she) was lucky. Opposite case, if the parents were taking these children they were educating his(her,your) children and were inculcating mulberry tree(morality), religion and respect. The girls learn to take the house and you children to read, to write, to calculate and cultivate the field. -
400 BCE
Plato was thinking that it had to separate the children of his(h mothers in order that there were raised for not specialized halyards that went to nurse all the children of the city without knowing which of them was his son. And physics was advising the mothers to be prepared and psychologically for the childbirth, that is to say, to do exercise. In addition he was thinking that the children between 3 and 6 years must be assembled(brought together) about a time for practices music and gymnastics -
Period: 400 BCE to 500 BCE
The child in the antiquity(antique) was submitted to quantity of practices where often they were working out disabled or dead, to part(report), of which they were left and abundances of ideas that were taking them to the violence and scorn of his being -
350 BCE
Critic of the Spartan education since he was thinking that the man should not be educated for the war. Aristotle was claiming that all the persons saw the children as hypothetical his children. And he was adding that the family was the most important factor for the education of the children. In addition it he rescues the importance of the game for the physical and intellectual development of the individual in his infancy and the first stages of formation. -
This teacher was raising that the children should be free of any malice this way to turn into good disciples and the education was based to the art of the good one to live. He(she) adds that the family and church were the props of formation(training). -
Period: 300 to 400
The childres are yokes
The parents were the owners of the children, they were considering them to be load and yokes. The children were inspiring in the adult dreads, phobias and fantasies. The parents could have his(her,your) children for change or use according to his(her,your) interest -
Period: 354 to 430
Saint Agustine
The children are a hindrance: (Agustín de Hipona) Provided that the man is born of the sin, because of it the child is the alive(vivacious) image of the slide. Implying that many children are deprived of the homeloving(domestic) heat and of the maternal affection, being an inconvenience(trouble) for the family. In this epoch it was a custom the infanticide, abortion, exile, abandon and upbringing for wetnurses. -
Period: 400 to Feb 25, 1100
Middle age
In the middle ages the children were considered full of stains and sins that they inherited from the sins committed by their parents. The child was enveloped in dangerous projections. -
Period: Feb 25, 1100 to Feb 25, 1200
12th century to 13th century
In this epoch there were no establishments that were taking care of the children and were giving to him(her) a suitable formation(training). The children were left and these were living in asylums and hospices directed by religious congregations. The intention of these asylums was of being careful and protecting the children, to form(train) them and to educate them for the school -
Period: Feb 25, 1300 to Feb 25, 1400
14th century to 15th century
The children were understood as entities full of evilness and therefore subject to corporal merciless punishments to dominate (scourges, boughs, crickets). There was no interest because the parents assume his(her,your) upbringing, being entrusted to third parties or left his(her,your) luck. -
Period: Feb 25, 1500 to
The boy like adult
In this epoch, it was thinking that the children are capable of adopting the same conduct of the adults in the company(society), the difference was referring to the physical size and to his level of experience. The conception of the child like adult in miniature persisted in companies(societies) where it(he,she) was not removing the children to the school. In England or France, the children were sleeping together with the adults, were using the same clothes, were employed at the same tasks -
Period: Feb 25, 1500 to
15th century to 18th century
In this stage one gives a marked debate between the aristocrats, theologians and philosophers on the essential nature of the people, opposite to the social and economic reality, and the perception of the common one of the citizens. It in turn, the opinion was generating that the child was a property or an economic resource. -
Period: to
18th century to 21th century
In 1959, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved the Declaration of the Laws of the Child. This recognition supposed the first great international consensus by the fundamental beginning of the rights of the child. -
jean jacques rousseau
In his work Émile works ou of l'éducation plant that the child is good for nature; the education must adapt at the level of the child. -
The child as a social subject of law
Thanks to all the movements in favour of the infancy and the realized investigations(researches) the child recognizes a new so called category as social subject of right -
The infantile education
The infantile education complements to the home providing the assistance and education adapted for the promotion of the total development of the child. It has to be a point of formation(training) not only of the child if not of the family.