Primera infancia

Childhood in History by: Nicole Garcia Del Real

  • 7000 BCE


    The sacrifice of children to supernatural figures or forces, such as the one believed to have been practiced in ancient Carthage, may be only the most notorious example in the ancient world.
    A frequent method of infanticide in ancient Europe and Asia was to simply abandon the baby, leaving him to die from exposure (i.e., hypothermia, starvation, thirst, or animal attack).
  • 300 BCE

    Education in Greece

    Education in Greece
    Education in ancient Greece was forged around the concept of paideia.
    Paideia: whose meaning is "education or training" and which comes, in turn, from the word child (παις), because for the Greeks the padeia was the basis for the formation of men as citizens and free people.
  • 400

    Abandonment and Adult Life

    Abandonment and Adult Life
    In Rome children were taken for adult jobs, they were involved in sexual acts, children were abandoned and killed still. On some occasions they were delivered as a means of payment of debts that the mothers had and were negotiated as merchandise.
  • 1300

    Children of the Crusades

    Children of the Crusades
    Due to the religious and military organization present during this period, the children of the Crusades emerged.
    The children of the Crusades are children who were taken to march to southern Italy, and children who were sold into slavery.
  • 1400

    Physical life but Emotional Abandonment

    Physical life but Emotional Abandonment
    Parents recognized that children were possessors of a soul, therefore the mortality rate is decreased, the only way to steal from the dangers of their own projections was abandonment.
    The children were given to wet nurses, interned in the convent, given to adoption families or were placed in a place far from home, which led to them being emotionally abandoned.
  • 1510

    Sin of Birth

    Sin of Birth
    Children were born sinners by nature, so it was necessary to take steps to correct inappropriate behaviors. The children had behaviors that they did not understand, however they had to continue with these by authoritarian order of the adult.
    The treatment between adults and children was characterized by distance and distrust.
  • 1530

    Child as adult property - Erasmus of Rotterdam

    Child as adult property - Erasmus of Rotterdam
    The child was considered an economic resource because he had to work in domestic chores. From the age of 9, they left their families to go to work as members of the servitude.
    Also Erasmus of Rotterdam philosopher of the time, I try to explain the nature of children
  • Ambivalence

    The child continued to be seen as a vessel of dangerous projections. Therefore, the task of the parents was to mold the children.
    They were also conceived as plasters, soft waxes and clays that had to be shaped according to what was required by society.
    In this period, children's instruction manuals emerged, where they had to follow guidelines so that good care and training was achieved.
  • Recognition of title

    Recognition of title
    The child ceases to be considered a small adult and is credited with his place as an infant. Considering that the child has its own characteristics that imply the need to love and understand it, as it is. Its own characteristics make it begin to differentiate itself from adults.
  • Working children

    Working children
    thanks to the fact that previously children had been recognized as dependent on affection attention and care decreased abuse and murder to a great extent, the church also gave education to poor children, however As soon as a child was old enough to lend a hand, he would help on the farm or in the workshop. He didn't usually perform the strenuous tasks of adults, but he did the work that corresponded to his physical strength. Children were not considered as a full-fledged workforce.
  • Mandatory school

    Mandatory school
    the school became compulsory for children aged 5 to 10, and was free for most until the years 1891.
  • Taking small steps

    Taking small steps
    In many countries work for children is prohibited and children began to be recognized as biological beings, psychological and social entities. With great intellectual, imaginative, creative, exploratory and playful capacity. (1900-1910)
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    He took the child as a subject from psychoanalysis
  • Socializacion

    at this time the upbringing of a child was emphasized in the formation of this and the teaching of social norms. The parents with this intended to adapt the child to socialize him. For the first time the father begins to be interested in the care of his child, his education and helps the mother in the chores
  • Modern vision of childhood

    Modern vision of childhood
    The new vision of childhood was being built through new knowledge: childcare, pediatrics and paidology. These new knowledges considered that childhood was a vital period in the cycle of human development. Childhood began to be the object of scientific research and social intervention. Just as it was a seed in hope of a modern and healthy nation.
  • UNGA protection

    UNGA protection
    The rights of children are claimed and from this day the Universal Day of the Child is commemorated
  • A day for children

    A day for children
    The adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The outcome of fatal years for childhood

    The outcome of fatal years for childhood
    (1990- to the present day) From this period the punishments, repressions, among others disappear in their entirety.
    Parents begin to conceive of the child as a being with peculiar needs that must be met, therefore it is they who with their actions must respond to these needs.
    In the same way, fathers worry about empathizing with their children. This form of parenting requires the involvement of both parents for the care of the child.