childhood in history

  • 1200 BCE

    Western culture (Greece and Rome)

    Western culture (Greece and Rome)
    at that time sexual abuse was common to children.
    children were under the supervision of their parents all the time.
  • 490

    Medieval England

    Medieval England
    was determined by both social and biological factors. According to common law, childhood ranged from the birth of a child until he or she reached the age of 12. At this point, the child was seen as capable and competent to understand his or her actions, thus rendering them responsible for them. According to canon law, girls could marry at the age of 12 and boys at the age of 14.
  • 800

    The Viking Age

    The Viking Age
    In Viking Age Scandinavia, boys were legally considered to be adults at age 12.But before they reached adulthood, they had a childhood spent learning the skills they would need to be successful. Viking children were primarily raised by their mothers, although sometimes Viking boys lived with another family for a period of time as a foster child.
  • 1453

    Philippe Aries’s book (Centuries of Childhood)

    Aries argues that while the traditional child was happy because he was free to mix with many classes and ages, a special condition known as childhood was “invented” in the early modern period, resulting in a tyrannical concept of the family which destroyed friendship and sociability and deprived children of freedom, inflicting upon them for the first time the birch and the prison cell.
  • 1600

    During the 1600s, the concept of childhood began to emerge in Europe.Adults saw children as separate beings, innocent and in need of protection and training by the adults around them
  • Period of capitalism

    Period of capitalism
    the rise of a large, mainly in the Protestant countries of Holland and England, brought about a new family ideology centred around the upbringing of children. Puritanism stressed the importance of individual salvation and concern for the spiritual welfare of children. It became widely recognized that children possess rights on their own behalf. This included the rights of poor children to sustenance, membership in a community, education, and job training.
  • Untimely death

    The child at nurse might be “stifled, over-laid, be let fall, and so come to an untimely death; or else may be devoured, spoiled, or disfigured by some wild beast, wolf or dog, and then the nurse fearing to be punished for her negligence, may take another child into the place of it. Robert Pemell reported the rector in his parish told him it was, when he first came to it, “filled with suckling in-
    Children were put in “dark closets, where they were sometimes forgotten for hours.
  • 19th century

    19th century
    The modern attitude to children emerged by the late 19th century; the Victorian middle and upper classes emphasized the role of the family and the sanctity of the child, an attitude that has remained dominant in Western societies ever since.The genre of children's literature took off, with a proliferation of humorous, child-oriented books attuned to the child's imagination

    The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund is a United Nations program that provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.

    nowadays children are back up by many rights and institutions that do all possible so they can help any kid in any situation and guarantee their wellness.