Infanticide refers to childhood in ancient times. It is a crime that parents intentionally make children, it is almost always the mother who commits the act. Previously there were many forms of infanticide which were considered permissible, for example, the sacrifice of children, abandonment, etc. Today this concept is considered immoral by most people, but there are still cases where it is practiced, the most common is abortion. -
Jan 1, 1200
The abandonment in antiquity was a simple delivery of children to other people, previously other common forms of abandonment was the sale of children, using children as political hostages and as a pledge for debts.
Today abandonment occurs in different ways, for example, when parents hire people to take care of their children, when both parents are very busy and do not pay attention to the needs of their children, when the father or mother go dead. -
The child was allowed to enter the life of the parents, their task was to mold it, to shape it.
Nowadays we can see through ambivalent double and opposite stimuli, that in the physical contact the children receive from their attachment figures. -
The child is raised by his parents and suckled by his mother, prayed with him but not played with him, made to obey through threats and accusations. Infant mortality was reduced and real empathy was left. -
As the time progressed the raising of a child was not so much to dominate his will but to train him, to guide him on the right path, to teach him to adapt, that is, to socialize him. -
This method is based on all the needs of the child for its proper development and for this he needs the help of his parents, dedicating time to his children. The child does not receive blows or repressions, and if you apologize when you give a scream. Few parents do this because most of them now spend more time in their occupations than raising the child as such.