Period: 2000 BCE to
Common practice that involved wrapping infants in order to inmobilize their limbs. Often used to prevent the child from crawling. -
Period: 2000 BCE to
From the 1800s only illegitimate children were commonly killed. Girls were more killed than boys -
1800 BCE
Babylonian times Child Selling was legal
Children were also given as hostages to guarantee an agreement. -
374 BCE
Infanticide and Law
Law considered the killing of an infant murder -
Law of castatrion
Emperor Domitian passed a law prohibiting castration of infants for brothels -
Abandoned children found were supposed to be announced in church
Foundation of the first asylum solely for abandoned infants
Dateo of Milan founded the first asylum solely for abandoned infants -
Child beating law
Beating a Child was approved unless the child was beated to death, then, law would apply -
Period: 1200 to
Children Sexual Abuse
Mostly in Ancient Greece and Rome. Boy brothels and rent-a-boy services were common. Children often were abused by servants and educators with consent of the parents -
Renaissance moralists begun rising against child sexual abuse
Child innocence
Giovanni Dominici said children after the age of 3 should not be allowed to see nude adults -
Period: 1400 to
Wet Nursing
Newborns were inmediately sent to wet-nursed who would breast-feed them and nurse them until age 2-5 -
Ban of Child Selling
Theodore, Arch-bishop of Catenbury ruled "A man might not sell . his son into slavery after the age of 7" -
Toilet Training
There was no evidence of it prior to this date -
Intrusive Mode
Children were given suppositories , enemas and oral purges in sickness and health -
Period: to
Punishment for Masturbation
It included circumcision, clitoridectomy, infibulation, among others -
Period: to
Children locked as punishment
As a subtitute of beating, parents would shut children up in dark closets for hours or left them locked in rooms for several days -
Period: to
Child beating decreased until its end
In Europe and America -
Jean-Paul Ritcher
One of the earliest childhood defenders, german writer -
Russia outlawed Child Selling
Period: to
Socializing Modre
Child breeding starts to improve and ends to be done in a abusive way -
Period: to
Socializing Mode
The raising of children became less abusive -
Helping Mode
Full involment of parents in the child's life, looking out for their needs and developing emotional bonds -
Helping Mode
Full involvement of parent in child's life, looking out for the child's needs, development of emotional bonds