
Childhood in history

  • 5000 BCE


    the child education depend on his social status,the child is considered a successor of his father that is going to help the society doing the same activities that his father do. Now days if you have better status, for sure the child is going to get quality education, but the government also helps the families that can't pay education to get it for free
  • 808 BCE

    Macedonian Empire

    Macedonian Empire
    The child education still depend of the social status, but now the education and conception of the childhood was influenced by the war and greece educators, including moral learnings and their general knowledge. There is interesant that some topics of the greece knowledge is still teaching now days, so it show the magnitude of the influence of thoses greece thinkers for the childhood education.
  • 27 BCE

    Roman empire

    Roman empire
    The schooling is divided in three stages; the first one is 'Ludus' at 7-12 years old, the second one is 'Gramar' at 12-16 years old and studied the theater and poetry, and the last one is the 'Rhetoric' that began since the 16 years old and studied the oratory techniques.
    So it can be concluded that the childhood was not recognized with the characteristics that we know actually.
  • 380


    the education of children is not about to train "freethinkers", the goal of education is to prepare the child forserve God, the Church and its representatives. Now days there are some schools that only agree with a specific religion, but the education is not only focus on this religion
  • 500

    medieval period

    medieval period
    during those years, according the text, there was lovely conception of the childhood with the mother, because manypictures of the age shows the wish that the child be a lover who would passionately embrace the mother. Now days mothers use her iphones to take pictures and show how her child loves his mom.
  • 1325

    Aztec empire

    Aztec empire
    the conception of childhood was very hard. Children were only accepted once they demonstrated the ability to pass very hard tests until they reach maturity, and during the first years of the childhood, the child was educated onyl by his family. Now days, children also have to pass some educational tests to be acepted by the society, but it dont have any comparation with the aztec empire phisical tests.
  • abandonment and nursing

    abandonment and nursing
    during the eighteenth century, the amount of time parents of children actually spent raising their children was minimal, because the child spend his firsts years in a the home of a wet-nurse and then with the stars of private education at seven years old the child was not at home with his parents. Now days we still see this abandonment of the parents because they have to work many hours to get the enough money to live.
  • Toilet training

    Toilet training
    the toilet training begun at an early age, the child start to had the control of his body products earlier and it meant an emotional importance previously unknown. Now days parents are always trying to teach their child toilet training as soon as posible, so this is an important change that is present in our days
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    After exploitin child labor, the bourgeoisie of this era decrease the childhood workforce, so the kids had a lot of time free, and there begins the necessity to school children.
  • Declaration of children rights

    Declaration of children rights
    In this convention, the agreement reached its own characteristics and needs, the child as a person, with the right to personal identity, dignity and freedom. Those rights are valid now days and allows children to have a better life.
  • Now days

    Now days
    According UNICEF, childhood is a precious time in which children should live free from fear, safe from violence and protected from abuse. Childhood is the time for children to be in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family.