7000 BCE
Child sacrifice
Since Jericho (7000 BC) children were sacrificed for the gods, as the most noble of sacrifices, It was also done by the Egyptians, Celts, Gauls, and many more civilizations.c -
Period: 3000 BCE to
Double image
The shift of children between projection and reversal, between devil and being adults created a double image of children in the past which explains how they were raised and treated (for example why they were so hardly battered). This can be seen in the circumcision of children, which was done by the Jews, Egyptians and Arabs, and could be explained by projection and reversal, suppressing future sexual desires (punishment). -
Period: 1800 BCE to
Child abandonment
Since Babylonial times, children were sold, or used as a secure for debts. The latest form of children abandonment was leaving them to the wet-nurses in their early years, for 2 or more years (up to 17!), denying any interaction with their parents. Nowadays it can be seen in boarding schools, and also with wet-nurses. -
1200 BCE
Sexual abuse
In Ancient Greece and Rome, children were usually sexually abused by the elders to satisfy their needs, especially the boys. This was later abolished, yet they continued to abuse the child slaves. Children were also castrated and forced to use rings on their genitals. The abolishment of these practices is reflected nowadays in the same way, and how child abuse is one of the most punishable crimes, if not by the law, by the society itself. -
Period: 228 BCE to 1200
Data since 228 BC shows that both illegitimate and legitimate children were murdered. The second one slowly stopped during the middle ages. However, the first one lasted until the 19th Century. This was done in a way to try to "undo" motherhood, and was a powerful conception. Nowadays it can be seen strongly in abortion. -
100 BCE
Children as servants
Since the Roman Empire, children waited on their parents, and later in the Middle Ages children were servants. This can be traced in today's society with child labor, in which parents often make their kids work, taking advantage of their innocence and the pity it will produce on other people. -
St Augustine
By saying “Give me other mothers and I will give you another world,”, St Augustine portrays the importance of a mother for children, which can totally modify the child's life. This thought was echoed by thinkers for around 15 centuries. Nowadays, we give mothers a higher importance compared to fathers, and believe mothers develop a more intense role in the raising of a child. -
Childhood innocence
In the Middle Ages christians created a new concept of children, as pure, uncontamined and innocent beings. This conception was widely accepted and nowadays stands. We conceive children as innocent beings, however we know that they do feel pleasure and pain. -
Creation of foundling homes
Dateo of Milan founded the first asylum for abandoned children, which later was adopted by more countries. This reduced the amount of children on the street, and also opened the path for childrens hospitals as well. We can see this in today's society with the foundling homes that protect children (for example ICBF) -
Period: 1400 to
Ambivalent mode
During this timespan children were seen as things to be molded, given shape, since they were exposed to many dangers. The double image of projection and reversal. -
Diary of Louis XIII's childhood
This diary was written by Jean Heroard, Louis' doctor, and gives important historical knowledge on the 17th century treatment of children, in this case a noble child. For example, the double image. This journal has been greatly analized by psychologists. -
Potty training
Enemas were being replaced with potty training, which involved a stronger link between parent and son. In this century (18th), battering of children was strongly diminished as to what it was before. In today's society potty training is present in almost every home, which shows a greater involvement of parents with their children. -
Period: to
Intrusive Mode
Projection and reversion were diminished. Parents were more commited to their children, In this period parents wanted to control their children, to suppress their desires and needs. In this period and because of this new interest, pediatric was created and infant mortality was strongly reduced. -
Period: to
Socializing mode
In this period, instead of controlling their children, parents trained them, socialized with them. This approach has been the most studied, with psychologists like Freud and Skinner creating models. This method nowadays is highly adopted by parents, mothers and fathers alike. -
Sigmund Freud
During his life, Sigmund Freud studied the parent-child relation and how it affected and developed the children. He is one of the most, if not the most, studied psychoanalist on this subject, since he opened a new view, a new dimension in the study of childhood. -
The Child in Human Progress
Written by George Payne, this book is the first to examine infanticide in human history, as well as brutality toward children. -
The Childs Conception of the world
Jean Peaget published this work, which is the most influencial work on the cognitive development on children. -
Period: to
Helping mode
In this stage, parents continue to guide their children, but let them make their decisions, because it is thought that they know better since it's their life. Parents play, teach and interact with their children in great amount, being a help to their needs in order to grow and achieve their goals. This method does not allow battering or yelling, and results in serene and strong-willed children. This model is being adopted by few families, and is yet to be strongly used. -
The Angel Makers
Written by Gordon Rattray Taylor, this book does a psychoanalytic study of childhood and personality between 1750-1850 in England. The Psychological Origins of Historical Change -
Centuries of Childhood
Written by Philippe Aries, this book is the most known in the history of childhood. It mentions that the concept of childhood has changed over the history, and that it is a modern concept. -
The Emotionally disturbed child-then and now
Written by J. Louise Despert, makes a psychiatric comparison of child battering abuse in the past and present, which shows the emotional attitudes toward children in the past, since antique times. -
Parents and Children in History
The Psychology of family life in Early Modern France. Written by David Hunt, this book centers on Heroard's diary of the childhood of Louis XIII, with sensitivity and awareness of the importance of these findings. -
Psychogenic theory
Lloyd deMause published "The psychogenic theory of History". In this, he protrays a new view of the study of childhood in history, He is considered the father of psycohistory, and he believes emotions (for instance love) can be motivators for change in individuals, in culture and history itself.