• 7000 BCE


    in ancient times it was not well seen that women had newborn children, which is why many of them were tortured and killed in very violent ways.
  • Period: 7000 BCE to


  • 300 BCE

    Children as men of the future

    Children as men of the future
    In ancient Greece, children were seen as the future citizens of the polis, so they focused on educating them in the best way to ensure the stability of Greek society over time.
  • 400

    abandonment and maternal connection

    abandonment and maternal connection
    In this period, children are abandoned at a very early age by their mothers, they were sold, used as political hostages, as a way to pay debts or gived away giving excuses such as the need to teaching them to speak in a more appropriate way.
  • 801

    Rome: Man on a smaller scale

    Rome: Man on a smaller scale
    All children except royalty were servants either to their own household or to others.
    The murder of legitimate children was slowly reduced but the murder of illegitimate children continued.
    To grow up in Rome was to undergo successive sexual
  • 1400

    The use of the child as a “toilet” for adult projections

    The use of the child as a “toilet” for adult projections
    The net result of this fact is a noticeable absence of detail about childrearing practices of the past. The pattern of childrearing provides the basis for adult personality and therefore has a vital influence on public events and world history, yet very little is known about it. No-one really knows whether childrearing depends on cultural traits or vice-versa.
  • 1500

    fear: your friend

    fear: your friend
    in the Renaissance era efforts to control children arose from the hand of fear, which was used as a modeling tool
  • 1563

    John Locke: Tabula Rasa

    A child is born neither good nor bad, what he/she does in the future will depend on the experiences he/she lives.
  • locke and the indsutrial revolution

    locke and the indsutrial revolution
    The industrial revolution represent a massive change in the role of the children. This happen because with the development of new machines and factories the child role in doing physical labor changed into something new.
    -The children role started being consolidated in the society

    The infancy started to be an important object of study
    -Childhood became a matter not just for the family but for the state
    -The abondonment of children decrease massively
    -In the early 19th century when children worked in textile factories they often worked for more than 12 hours a day.
    -Families were much larger than today. That was partly because infant mortality was high. People had many children and accepted that not all of them would survive.
    -Churches provided schools for poor children
  • Freud's conception

    Freud's conception
    Freud proposed that personality development in childhood takes place during five psychosexual stages, which are the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages. During each stage sexual energy (libido) is expressed in different ways and through different parts of the body.
  • The companionate family

    The companionate family
    Yet even as family was coalescing into an affectionate, close-knit unit, social scientists and educators advocated that the child should be given “greater freedom from parental control, greater latitude in expressing their feelings, and increased interaction of adolescents with peers”
  • Children expressing their self

    Children expressing their self
    Parents and educators encouraged children to express their own individuality through creative play. At the same time, mechanization, improved in wartime, made toy production inventive, plentiful, and profitable.

    The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is the United Nations agency focused on promoting the rights and well-being of all children and adolescents in Mexico and around the world. It was created to provide urgent assistance to child victims of war.
  • Children nowadays- UNICEF

    Children nowadays- UNICEF
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history. The international agreement explains who children are, all their rights, and the responsibilities of governments to protect and fulfil these rights. All the rights are connected, they are all equally important and they cannot be taken away from children.
  • Childhood nowadays

    Childhood nowadays
    Childhood is a very beautiful stage and it passes like an instant. And to be able to enjoy it, you don't need to be in such a hurry to grow up. For everything there is a time. Society, education, teachers, parents have to weigh many things when it comes to teaching and educating our children