Childhood in history

  • 12,000 BCE

    The Paleolithic

    The Paleolithic
    During this time, childhood consisted mainly in the fact that after early childhood both boys and girls had to work in order to obtain food and be able to survive.
  • 7000 BCE

    The Neolithic

    The Neolithic
    With the appearance of agriculture, many things changed, among them the increase of birth rate, which led to see children as a form of wealth, since at this time more children meant more labor, and not only that, they were also started to be used as merchandise and to make agreements between families.
  • 2250 BCE


    The Hammurabi Code (2,250 B.C.) is the first legislation for children, which reflects the Babylonian people's protection of orphans.
  • 300 BCE


    During this period of time, although it was very normal to abandon or murder children, they were also concerned about the education of these so they instilled the study from an early age, because the future of their people depended on them.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    With the manifestation of his sympathy towards children and his defense of the equality and dignity of all human beings, he represented an important milestone in relation to the consideration of childhood.
  • 300


    From antiquity to the 4th century, children were considered the property of their parents, so they could decide whether they lived or died.
  • 354

    St. Augustine

    St. Augustine
    Complained about physically abusive teaching
  • 570


    Like Christianity, it also meant an improvement in the consideration of childhood, first among the tribes and cities of the Arabian Peninsula where its doctrine spread, and then in the countries that Islam conquered.
  • 979


    He realizes the lack of knowledge about children and thus pediatrics so his work can be considered as a pioneer dedicated to the hygiene and care of the newborn and to questions about the wet nurse, the milkmaid and maternal feeding.
  • 1200


    From the IV to the XIII century, unlike in ancient times, children were considered to be beings with souls, but this led to their abandonment and therefore to their death.
  • 1300


    During the XIV to XVII centuries the child did not have a defined place, so they were seen both for work and leisure. The child was perceived as a being that had to be educated so that they would not be the projections of their parents and physical punishment was considered normal.
  • Jerónimo Soriano

    Jerónimo Soriano
    He was a doctor considered as one of the pioneers of pediatrics who in 1600 published a book called "Method and order of curing children's diseases".
  • Intrusion

    The feeling of childhood that exists today begins to emerge, but still in a very rough way, but at this time children begin to be taken into account more. It is still believed that children have to be perfected but they are no longer considered as evil beings. Finally, it is worth mentioning that pediatrics begins to emerge and are taken into account by science.
  • J.H. Pestalozzi

    J.H. Pestalozzi
    He dedicated a great part of his life to the study and care of underprivileged children. Pestalozzi sought to integrate underprivileged children into social life by teaching them a trade. He did not conceive the educator as an authoritarian figure and thought that he should be at the service of the pupil's needs: he had great confidence in the child's abilities.
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    During this time it was very common to see children working long hours in the factories without being able to rest, socialize or any other activity.
  • Socialization

    You begin to be more concerned about the care and education of your children. It is at this time that parents begin to be noticeably concerned about their children. (Comprises 19th century - mid 20th century)
  • Pediatrics

    This term appears in 1802 together with the appointment of the Italian doctor Gaetano Palloni, honorary professor at the University of Pisa and reader in Florence of children's diseases, who together with him, 37 days later opened the Hospital des Enfants Malades in France, which according to the French was the first hospital for children.
  • Child labor regulations

    Child labor regulations
    Since 1919, the first child labor regulations began to appear in England, minimum ages were established in the different industries for children as well as their work schedules.
  • Children's Rights

    Children's Rights
    The League of Nations adopts the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child, drafted by Eglantyne Jebb, founder of Save the Children Fund.
  • World War II

    World War II
    During this time children in general and especially those of Jewish origin suffered great vulnerability, where they were objects of murder and experimentation during this time, where many children were sent directly to the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau and other extermination centers. On the other hand, many children were used as soldiers during this war.

    The United Nations General Assembly creates the International Children's Emergency Fund, UNICEF, focusing on children around the world.
  • Help

    It includes from the mid-twentieth century to the present, where children are the object of concern, where the aim is no longer to dominate them but to understand their abilities, needs and development.
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Convention on the Rights of the Child
    The most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world and the basis on which many social policies for children are currently based.
  • Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention

    Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention
    The International Labor Organization adopts the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, which calls for the immediate prohibition and elimination of any form of work that is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.