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Childhood in history

  • Period: 5000 BCE to 525 BCE

    Childhood in Egypt

    In Egypt, the boy child was considered as the successor of the father in high classes, but in low classes, they were considered as the person who was going to do the same profession as their father.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 476

    Infanticidal stage

    Parents resolved their anxieties about taking care of children by killing them. Every child that was not perfect in size, or cried too little or too much was generally killed. Every culture from Greeks and Romans to Irish, Gauls, Scandinavians, Moabites, Ammonites and in certain periods, the Israelites sacrificed children.
  • Period: 1800 BCE to 300 BCE

    Childhood in Greece

    Children were treated like adults but without qualities to be a virtuous citizen because lacks of character and will.
  • 400 BCE

    Antiquity to 4th century

    Antiquity to 4th century
  • Period: 300 to 1300

    Abandoning stage

    Parents abandoned their children to wet-nurses, to the monastery or nunnery, to foster families, to the homes of other as servants or hostages and if the stayed, they suffered severe emotional abandonment at home, sometimes parents admitted they gave their children up because they were unwanted. It didn't matter if the child lived or died. The father had the last word in their children education.
  • 540


    The Christian church had control in education, so they prepared children to serve God and the church.
  • 1300

    4th to 13th century

    4th to 13th century
  • Period: 1301 to

    Ambivalent stage

    For parents, children were a container for dangerous projections, it was their task to mold them into shape. The child is loved and hated, rewarded and punished, bad and loving, all at once.The parents projected their manners and ways onto their children, even if they were very young. Raising a child was educating the future citizens, husbands, parents, and Christians. Every child learnt about their individuality.
  • 1400

    14th - 17th century

    14th - 17th century
  • 1517


    Children were beings that needed protection, childhood meant autonomy and education was used as social control.
  • Period: to

    Intrusive stage

    The parents approached even closer and attempted to conquer its mind, to control their insides and feelings like anger, they also controlled their needs, its masturbation, its every will and wish. The child of intrusive parents was nursed by the mother, not swaddled, was toilet trained early, not played with but prayed for, hit but not whipped constantly, punished for masturbation and made to obey. Here, the children were viewed as innocent beings that were able to learn. Pediatrics were born.
  • 18th century

    18th century
  • Period: to

    Socializing stage

    Raising a child now was a process of training it, guiding it to proper paths, teaching it to conform. Socializing parents in this time began to take more than occasional interest in the child, training it and sometimes even relieving the mother of child-care chores.
  • 19th to mid-20th century

    19th to mid-20th century
  • Mid-20th century

    Mid-20th century
  • Period: to

    Helping stage

    This stage involved both parents in the child's life as they worked to empathize with it and fulfill its needs, it required a lot of time and energy from both parents. They had to play with the child, respond to it, tolerate its regressions, being its servant, had to interpret its emotional conflicts and fulfill their specific interests. The child was educated believing it would make it a better person. People recognize children as a person, a moral, social being with feelings and needs.
  • Period: to

    Nowadays, 21st century

    In the 21st century, the mortalilty rate was reduced, children have safe and secure places for living and learning, have access to health care, clothing and nutritious food, they have social interactions, are played with and are able to express creatively through music, dance, drama and other arts. They have an education that develops cognitive, physical, social, emotional and ethical capacities, a child has active participation in community and grows to make decisions and be independent.
  • 21st century

    21st century