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Childhood history

By Adop
  • 300 BCE

    Ancient greece

    Ancient greece
    in ancient greece they focus on raising children in the best way, taking into account that future generations of these would take care of the town and the new society
  • 400

    Child abuse

    Child abuse
    In Roman and Greek times it was very common to see how children were sexualized, since it was believed that this would be a way of transferring knowledge, so it was very common to see prostitution and sexual abuse with them, whether it was well seen or not.
  • 1325

    Raising children

    Raising children
    During middle age, parents began to understand the importance of raising children, however, they only thought that it was time before adulthood, so it did not matter where they were, whether it was working or simply in other families, this It would be the ideal way to preserve the culture or values ​​that the family gave them, so the parents made drastic changes, where it is said that they suffered so much that the children thought that this would be an interruption to their next step.
  • 1397

    Child and Christianity

    Child and Christianity
    In the fifteenth century, parents began to focus on what the physical appearance of their children was like, taking into account what their religious beliefs were, such as Christianity, and that they worshiped this religion respectively, so they began to see each other in a bad way, since they neglected how to raise these to focus on a not so relevant aspect
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    children at this time no longer adopt good behaviors or bad behaviors, they would only be the reflection of what they would do in the future
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    in the industrial revolution, politics, the economy and society, they made a drastic change, it made it take a different course in the economy, since the companies needed workers, the children began to work to survive so they left aside the concept of childhood and it can be said that he suffered a lot
  • Better expressing childhood

    Better expressing childhood
    This stage was characterized by raising children in a way that they were protected to change the thinking that was previously held, so they would socialize in a better way
  • Right of the child

    Right of the child
    the countries made an agreement where the protection and good quality of life of children was a priority

    In the year 2000, the United Nations Committee took measures providing children with protection, and prohibiting their participation in acts of sexual abuse, sale, trafficking or exploitation of children, and avoiding participating in armed conflicts.
  • Childhood today

    Childhood today
    At present it can be said that after years of hard work and effort, children are a priority in the lives of many people in the world, in addition to this they are cared for greatly, thus avoiding that they have to perform acts that are convenient according to their age