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ChildHood in history

By neck_c
  • Period: 753 BCE to 476 BCE

    Roman Ages

    Inhumane methods were used to strengthen children
  • 650 BCE

    sexual encounters

    sexual encounters
    In Greece and Rome, sexual encounters between minors and adults were very common, mainly for sexual and political purposes
  • Period: 650 BCE to 400

    Infanticidal Mode

  • 100 BCE


    The firstborn who were socially accepted and let live were men.
  • Period: 300 to

    Abandonment mode

    In this period of time it was very common that the kids are sended the home of other people different a his family to work or learn about how be servants in the monastery, pages, ladies-in-waiting, oblates, clerks. this time is characterized for the detachment of the parent with his children.
  • Period: 400 to Feb 24, 1400

    middle Ages

    (V century - IV century) The church regulates education, imposing Christianity.
  • Apr 25, 1012

    The chuch

    The chuch
    The church prohibits the sale of children over 9 years of age.
  • Period: Feb 24, 1400 to Feb 24, 1500


    social-political-economic changes that benefited the childhood.
  • Aug 15, 1405

    Innocence in children

    Innocence in children
    Giovanni Dominici said child"ren after the age of three years shouldn’t be allowed to see nude adults. For in a child “granted that there will not take place any thought or natural movement before the age of five, yet, without precaution, growing up in such acts he becomes accustomed to that act of which later he is not ashamed"
  • Period: to

    Intrusive Mode

  • Period: to


    was high incidence of infanticide in every country in Europe
  • Thomas Coram opened the Foundling Hospital.

    Thomas Coram opened the Foundling Hospital.
    Thomas Coram opened his Foundling Hospital because he couldn’t bear to see the dying babies lying in the gutters and rotting on the dung-heaps of London.
  • Period: to

    dead babies were still a common sight in London streets

  • Period: to

    Socializing Mode

  • Period: to

    Masturbation is bad.

    parents began severely punishing their children for masturbation, and doctors began to spread the myth that it would cause insanity, epilepsy, blindness, and death. By the nineteenth century, this campaign reached an unbelievable frenzy
  • Period: to

    Helping Mode

  • parent-child relations

    parent-child relations
    Freud discovered the importance of the relation parent-child
  • Childhood in UNICEF

    Childhood in UNICEF
    It was included the topic about childhood in the General Assembly of the United Nations, which discussed the impotence of children's rights, and how to improve the living conditions of these around the world
  • Political Constitution

    Political Constitution
    Political Constitution of 1991 establishes that the rights of the child must prevail over other people.