Child Milestones from birth to 5 years old

  • Birth

    Baby is born.
  • 2 months

    Smiles at the sound of your voice and follows you with their eyes as you move around a room.
  • 3 months

    Raises head and chest when lying on stomach, grasps objects, and smiles at other people.
  • 4 months

    Babbles, laughs, and tries to imitate sounds; holds head steady.
  • 6 months

    Rolls from back to stomach and stomach to back and moves objects from hand to hand.
  • 7 months

    Responds to own name and finds partially hidden objects.
  • 9 months

    Sits without support, crawls, babbles "mama" and "dada".
  • 1 year

    Walks with or without support, says at least one word, and enjoys imitating people.
  • 18 months

    Walks independently, drinks from a cup, says at least 15 words, points to body parts.
  • 2 years

    Runs and jumps, speaks in two-word sentences, follows simple instructions, and begins make-believe play.
  • 3 years

    Climbs well, speaks in multiword sentences, and sorts objects by shape and color.
  • 4 years

    Gets along with people outside the family, draws circles and squares, and rides a tricycle.
  • 5 years

    Tells name and address and can jump, hop, and skip. Also, can get dressed and count 10 or more objects.