Begining of timeline -
3 months
Responds vocally to partner. -
8 months
Begins gesturing. -
12 months
First word spoken; words will intentions previously signaled by gestures. -
18 months
Begins combining words on the basis of word-order rules. -
2 years
Begins adding bound morphemes with average length or mean length of utterance (MLU) is 1.6 - 2.2 morphemes. -
3 years
More adultlike sentence structures, MLU is 3.0 - 3.3 morphemes. -
4 years
Begins to change style of talking to fit converstional partner, MLU is 3.6 - 4.7 morphemes. -
5 years
Ninety percent of language form learned. -
6 years
Begins to learn visual mode of communication with writing and reading. -
Able to participate competently in conversations and telling of narratives, knows multiple meanings of words and figurative language, uses gender style or genderlect, when talking.