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Prenatal Stage
When the baby is forming in the womb. Takes place from conception until the birth of the baby. What I think that basically happens is, the baby is being formed, and then it ends after the birth of the baby. -
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Neonatal Stage
The baby physically adapts to life outside of the mother's body.
I think that the baby is out, and has been experiencing a new thing which is being outside of the mother's womb. -
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The Infancy Stage
The infant develops the foundation for motor, thinking, language, and social skills. What I think that happens during this stage, is that the infant is growing in their social , and grow's motor skills. -
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The Toddler Stage
Child makes great strides in motor, thinking, and language skills. It begins to test his or her dependance on adults. What I think that basically happens if the toddler is learning many more motor skills and social skills, but is also getting better at the ones they already knew and the ones they just figured out. -
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The Preschool Stage
During this stage, the child becomes more self-sufficient, spends many hours in play exploring the physical and social world, develops a rather stable self-concept. What I think that basically happens in this stage is, the child is able to think about some world problems and they are stable with self-concept. -
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The School-Age Stage
This stage corresponds to the typical ages of children in the elementary school years. Achievement is central goal of these years. Master the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Exposed to many other school learnings too. Interact with peers more and learn by group instruction. They have to learn self - control while doing this. Basically what I think that happens in this stage is the child is way beyond social skills and are able to interact with other kids.