child individual time line- Bosch

By vdyer
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    prenatal stage

    this is when the baby is growing in the womb, this takes place from conception to birth.
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    Neonatal stage

    This is when the baby will typically sleep allot and this usually happens from birth to the 2nd week after birth
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    Infancy stage

    This is when the baby will start opening their eyes and crawling
    this usually happens during 2 weeks to first birthday
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    Toddler stage

    this is when the toddler will start talking and walking this will usualy happen during the age of 1 to 3. (12 to 36 months)
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    Preschool stage

    this is when the child will start preschool and learn how to make friends this typically happens during the age of 3 to 6 years
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    School age

    this is when the child figures out what they want to do in life and what they like to do and what they are good at this happens during the age of 6 to 12