i was born in Mexico. -
4 Months
-I know weigh 10-18 pounds.
-I love to be held close.
-also love to play with my feet an fingers. -
8 months
-My teeth begin to appear!
-I could recongize everybodys vocie now
- i could also respond to my own name -
12 months
-i can aready crawl
-i could say da da and ma ma
- i can respond to my name -
15 Months
- waves hi and bye -plays peek- a boo -imitates others
21 Months
-acts shy around strangers
-uses 2-3 word sentences
- hums or tries to sleep -
2 years old
- can show aggressive behavior and the intent to hurt others
- has almost a full set of teeth
- points to eyes, ears, or nose when asked
3 years old
- talks so that 75 to 80 percent of his speech is understandable
- height: 34-43 inches
- seeks attention and approval of adults
4 years old
- can place objects in a line from largest to smallest -height 37-46 inches
- enjoys playing with other children
5 years old
- invents games
- may begin to loose baby teeth
- uses 5-8 words in a sentence
6 years old
- being with friends becomes increasingly important -can print name -enjoys planning and buliding
10 years old
- may belittle or defy adult authority
- increases body strength and hand dexterity
- fantasizes and daydreams about the future
13 years old
- they will now be attending middle shool
- starts getting more into sports
- girls start worrying about ther looks
16 years old
- are now in High School
- starts having drama
- knows more about the real world