At birth a baby has the innate ability to grasp things around it. -
A baby also has the innate ability to root, this allows them to nurse from their mothers. -
Babies are born with the 5 major senses, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and seeing. -
World Perception
The baby can see and partially understand the world around it. -
Period: to
Head Lifting
At three months old the average baby can lift its head -
Happy Baby
At four months old most babies have the ability to smile. -
Babbling Baby
Usually between four and six months babies can babble or coo. -
Depth Perception
Gibson and Walk theriozed that infants six months and older begin to develop a sense of depth perception. -
Mobile Baby
Between eight and ten months the majority of infants can crawl. -
Recognizable Words
Late in the Childs first year they are able to mimic some sounds they hear. -
A Whole New World
At eleven and a half months most infants can stand upright unassisted. -
Birthday Baby