Child Development- Amanda & Carlos

  • Infancy

    trust vs mistrust. maternal relationships.
  • Sensorimotor

    tactile urges. use of senses to discover world. intelligence through movement.
  • Early Childhood

    learning independence. right from wrong. need for parent affirmation. confidence in ability to make decisions, or shame if corrected too critically
  • Pre-operational

    egocentricism. curiosity. learn independence.
  • Loco-motor

    try to do stuff on their own, must allow them and not reprimand too much or will feel guilt. a lot of questions. seek responsibility. need too to make mistakes or will feel frustrated.
  • Latency

    first entering school. juggling multiple tasks. pride in accomplishments, inferiority in failure.
  • Concrete Operational

    conservation learned of mass area, reversible thinking. learn people have opinions different than their own.
  • Early Adolescence

    Puberty. Peer pressure. bodily changes. interest in popularity, awkwardness. wanting privacy. rule testing. moodiness.
  • Middle Adolescence

    peer group very impt. finding oneself. insecurities. concerned with own looks. rebellious. distant from parents. desire to fit in. more secrets from parents. growing intellectual interests.
  • Formal Operational

    abstract thought. forming hypothesis and future thinking.
  • Late Adolescence

    more emotional stability. concern for others. better self-esteem. identity established. serious relationships.
  • Early Adulthood

    love vs isolation. openness with others. personal commitment. starting families. defense mechanisms.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Legacy vs Mid life crisis. Create meaningful work. wanting to give to future generations. If fail feel stagnate and like not going anywhere.
  • Maturity

    last phase. look back self reflect are you satisfied with your life or do you regret it. Fear death if unfulfilled or accept and embrace death if fulfilled.