0-18 months
- Erikson's Theory= Trust vs. Mistrust
- need love, attention, and stimulation
- visual contact and touch
- no trust with caregiver= mistrust with world
- Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage- infants rely on using senses to learn
18 months- 3 years
- Erikson's Theory- Autonomy vs. Shame
- Learning right from wrong
- Learning word "NO"
- Potty training
- Still in Piaget's Sensorimotor during age 18 months-1.5/2 years old
- Pre-operational stage they begin to gain more independence and participate in thinking using symbols
3 years - 6 years
-Erikson's Initiative vs. Guilt
- Establish independence
- Guilt free imagination
- Learn initiative and responsibility
- Piaget's Pre-operational Stage -
6 years - 12 years
- Erikson's Theory- Industry vs. Inferiority
- Discovers pleasure in production
- Develops peer relationships
- Productive independence
- Piaget's Concrete Operational- Establishes ability to use deductive reasoning and logic
Enters Early Adolescense
12 years - 18 years
- Erikson's Theory- Identity vs. Role Confusion
- Peer groups most important
- Search for self-identity
- To gain strengths, must be conscious of search for identity
- Piaget's Formal Operational- ability to think abstractly
Enters Middle Adolescense
Enters Late Adolescense
19 years- 40 years
- Erikson's Theory Intimacy vs. Isolation
- Love and relationships are priority
- Family begins
- Must be open to commitment
- Focuses on marriage and friendships
40 years-65 years
- Erikson's Theory Generativity vs. Stagnation
- Need for meaningful work
- midlife crisis
- Focuses on parenting and working
- Erikson's Theory Integrity vs. Despair
- Accepts fate of death
- Focuses on virtue of wisdom
- Reflects back on life