- figuring out the world
- object permanence
- manipulated objects
- objects in mouth
Trust vs. Mistrust
-Dependent on others
- world is trustworthy
-visual contact and touch is important
-mother is the most important -
Autonomy vs. Shame
-learning right from wrong
-bulding self-esteem
-walk, talk, feed
-toilet training -
-language development
-symbol recognition
-pretend play
-egocentrism -
Initiative vs. Guilt
-takes initiative while playing
-family is most important group
-guilt-free -
Concrete Operational
-thinking logically
-awareness of others
-solve problems more than one way
-understand conservation -
Industry vs. Inferiority
-discover pleasure in production
-variety of events
-relationships with peers
-can do independent work
-virtue in confidence -
Early Adolescence
-hormonal changes
-searching for identity
-question parents -
Formal Operational
-abstract thinking
-systematic thinking
-problem solving -
Identity vs. Role Confusion
-development depends on what we do
-peer groups
-search for identity -
Middle Adolescence
-pubic hair
-voice deepening
-changing friends a lot
-super obsessed with appearance -
Late Adolescence
-emotionally stable
-stable interest
-think about future
-serious relationship -
Intimacy vs. Isolation
-love relationships
-marriage and friends
-commitment to others
-lack of self identity leads to isolation -
Generatively vs. Stagnation
-significants relationships
-midlife crisis
-need for meaningful work -
Integrity vs. Despair
-Reflect back on life
-sense of peace or regret
-virtue = wisdom
-accept or fear death