Period: to
Child Development
Reflex - Grasping reflex
In the grasping reflex, newborns close their fingers tightly around objects placed in their hands. -
Reflexes - Sucking reflex
Sucks when area around mouth is touched. -
Reflexes - The Truncal Incurvation
The Truncal Incurvation or Galant reflex occurs when you stroke or tap along the side of the spine while the infant lays on the stomach. The infant will twitch his or her hips toward the touch in a “dancing’ movement. -
Physical - Size
Most babies gain an ounce or 28 grams per day during the first two months. After that, they typically gain about a pound, or half a kilogram, per month. -
Perceptual - Motor Behavior
The term motor behavior describes all movements of the body, including movements of the eyes (as in the gaze), and the infant’s developing control of the head. -
Perceptual - Vision
Vision starts to become stronger -
Perpetual - The start of communication
They start attempting to mimic the sounds that others make; this becomes evident as familiar sounds begin to appear in the midst of baby babble. -
Physical - Dental Growth
On average, a baby’s first tooth appears at around 6 months. -
Language - Listening
Turns and looks in the direction of sounds -
Physical - Streangth
At around 8 months, babies can sit up by themselves for extended periods and can pull themselves to their feet while they hold onto something for leverage and support, such as a table or the edge of a couch. -
Language - Communication
Communicates using gestures such as waving or holding up arms -
Language - Word Choices
Has one or two words (“Hi,” “dog,” “Dada,” or “Mama”) by first birthday