Child Development

  • Conception

    The very first step of pregnancy is conception. Conception happens when a single sperm and ovum join together and create a single-celled zygote. Once the two meet they have all the genetic data necessary to produce a new human . conception
  • Germinal Stage

    Germinal Stage
    Next is the germinal stage. The germinal stage is from the point of conception till 2 weeks. This is the shortest stage of the prenatal period. The egg is now called a blastocyst and is traveling towards the uterus. Once the blastocyst reaches the uterus it will implant into the uterus’ wall. Within a week of fertilization the organism consists of 100 to 150 cells and the number just continues to increase. <a href='
  • Embryonic Stage

    Embryonic Stage
    The third stage is the embryonic stage and is from 2 weeks to 8 weeks. At this stage the organism is now firmly secured to the wall of the uterus and the organism is called an embryo. This is when the major organs and basic anatomy begin to develop. The embryo doesn’t really look like a human yet, as it is only an inch long and seems to have gills and a tail-like structure. However, if you look closely, you can see the forming of eyes, nose, lips, and stubby bulges that will form into arms and l
  • Fetal Stage

    Fetal Stage
    The final stage is the longest and is the fetal stage. It lasts from 8 weeks till birth. This is when you can recognize it has a human. In the final stage the child is no longer called embryo, but is a fetus. During this stage there are rapid changes going on. The fetus grows approximately 20 times and its proportions change dramatically. The fetus will continue to put on weight all the way up until birth. Organs are starting work, for example by 3 months it is swallowing and urinating. By 4 mon
  • Infant physical development

    Infant physical development
    The physical development in infants is very rapid. During the first 2 years babies are constantly putting on weight, by 5 months they have doubled their birth weight. By the time their second birthday comes they have almost quadrupled their birth weight. Along with gaining weight, babies are put on length. The age one, they have typically grown almost a foot, and are about 30 inches tall. )
  • Infant physical development

    Infant physical development
    Another physical development in infants is the head. The head isn’t really growing though, it is the rest of the body growing to catch up to the size of the head at birth. When first born a babies head is about one-quarter of the entire body. However, by the age of two the baby’s head is only one fifth of the length. By then the head doesn’t look so large, and is more proportioned.
  • Infant cognitive growth

    Infant cognitive growth
    According to Piaget infants go through six substages of sensorimotor.The cognitive skills are also growing rapidly. When first born they can’t really comprehend what we are saying,the only stage they have accomplished is the first and it is simple reflexes.An infant will suck at anything placed in its lips. By the time the child is two,its cognitive skills have grown tremendously and have gone through all six substages. Now the child understands the way certain toys work and how they will sound.
  • Infant emotional growth

    Infant emotional growth
    When first born an infants emotions are no where near the same as when they reach the age of two. When first born infants do experience emotions, but they are restricted. As they grow, the emotions are displayed more and more. The emotions are all made possible by the brain becoming more knowledgeable and being worked more. By the age of two, many children have learned that if you express a certain emotion at a certain time such as smiling, you can get what you want. http://quackenbaby.blogspot.
  • Toddler physical development

    Toddler physical development
    By toddlerhood the rapid growth of height and weight has slowed from infancy, but it definitely has not stopped. By now toddlers are about half the height of the average adult. There is a steady growth during the toddler years and by age six the average height and weight is 46 pounds and 46 inches tall. However that is just the average and many other children may weigh about 55 pounds or as less as 36 pounds. Where children are growing up also has an impact in the growth.
  • Toddler cognitive development

    Toddler cognitive development
    The cognitive stage is incredible for toddlers. They are constantly understanding, and picking up new information each and every day. By the time they are four most can carry out simple addition and subtraction by counting. They may not say the correct number, but they understand that you only count each item once.
  • Toddler cognitive development

    Toddler cognitive development
    Another advance in the cognitive stage of a toddler is their memory. At the age of 3 children really start to recall events from their lives. Once they start to recall events their memory slowly and steadily begins to increase throughout the years of toddlerhood. They also begin to tell stories more because they relive previous events and want to tell you about them.
  • Toddler social development

    Toddler social development
    Around toddlerhood is when children really develop a sense of what’s going on. By now they have developed a certain attachment to their primary caregiver. The four major patterns are; securely attached, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized-disoriented.These attachments have to do with when children are in strange situations. If they are securely attached they are at ease as long as their caregiver is present. If a child wants nothing to do with their caregiver they are said to have an avoidant
  • Middle Childhood Physical Development

    Middle Childhood Physical Development
    In middle childhood the growth rate is slow but steady. Elementary aged kids will grow 2-3 inches each year and gain about 5-7 pounds each year. In elementary school kids begin to worry about their weight, especially girls. Obesity is growing more and more in young children through out the U.S.
  • Middle Childhood Social Development

    Middle Childhood Social Development
    Self-esteem is a very touchy place for a lot of middle-aged children. For some the transition into middle school and having older kids around you is very intimidating, and their self-esteem plummets. Gradually over a few years their self-esteem generally will rise again. For some that already had a low self-esteem it may drop even more and they may not recover. They will then be socially awkward, and feel like a little ant surrounded by all these giants trying to squish them.
  • Middle Childhood Cognitive Development

    Middle Childhood Cognitive Development
    Another improvement is vocabulary. By the age of eleven on average a child will know approximately 19,000 words. With all of the words middle school children also improve their grammar. Both passive voice and conditional sentences increase and children are understanding the rules of combining sentences.
  • Middle Childhood Cognitive Development

    Middle Childhood Cognitive Development
    One major improvement during middle childhood is short-term memory. At the beginning of the preschool years children can only repeat on average two digits back in reverse order after hearing a sequence of numbers. However, in middle childhood children can repeat the whole sequence. For example: I would say 3-6-7-2-3 and the child would repeat it in reverse 3-2-7-6-3