Beginning of childcare
People studied how and where to leave your children while you have to go to work . -
Reason needing childcare
Mother’s find places to help care for their children while they go to work, places like daycares, preschool, and grandparents. -
Paying for childcare
Mother’s we’re finding ways to help pay for childcare but many were denied benefits. -
Great Depression aftermath on child care
The depression and world war 2 had impact on childcare. 200 nurseries has to close down. -
Closing down
Around 1,000 schools had to close down becuase they were short on funds. -
Congress had collected $6 million to convert left over ENS into child care facilities. -
Low on centers
Not many centers were out there, only had 3,000 open centers. -
Congress had finally made the child care tax deductions!