Child Care in American History

  • Model Day Nursery in Chicago

    "A group of prominent New York philanthropists led by Josephine Jewell Dodge set up a Model Day Nursery in the Children's Building at the 1893 World's Colombian Exhibition in Chicago. And later founded the National Federation of Day Nurses
  • Mothers' or Widows' Pension Law

    Julia Lathrop called for a policy to support mothers so they could stay at home with their children after the day nurseries failed. Law passed by 1930.
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    Closing of nursery schools

    Due to the Depression and the World War II, nurseries became to plummet. This forced 200 day nurseries to close down.
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    Emergency of Nursery Schools

    Early childhood educators established a program of Emergency Nursery Schools (ENS). It primarily offered employment opportunities for unemployed teachers. Nearly 3,000 schools enrolled 64,00 children.
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    ENS Suffered

    They suffered from high staff turnover as teachers left for better paying jobs in defense plants. Nearly 1,000 schools were forced to close down.
  • Converting ENS into child care facilities

    Congress allocated 6 million to convert ENS into childcare facilities. But there weren't enough women t be teachers due to them working in labor force.
  • Child Welfare League of America

    National organizations like the Child Welfare League of America tried getting public support child care. They failed to persuade congress to pass the 1946 Maternal and Child Welfare Act, which would have continued federal funding.
  • Inter-City Committee for Day Care of Children

    Congress found an approach on child care in 1954. In 1958, activists formed a national organization devoted exclusively to child care.