Chicano/Latino Rights

  • Reies Lopez Tijerina is Born

  • Cesar Chavez is Born

  • Rodolpho "Corky" Gonzalez is Born

  • Cesar Chavez along with Dolores Huerta start United Farm Workers (UFW)

    Many Mexican-Americans lived on about $3,000 a year and struggled to make a living in semi-skilled and unskilled jobs, especially in agriculture. Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta led the fight for better pay, labor laws, and the recognition of the UFW as an actual and respected organization.
  • Reies Lopez Tijerina founds The Alianza Federal de Mercedes

    After the Mexican-American War, and other land acquisitions, by the United States, many people lost their land and were left penniless. Reies Lope Tijerina founded The Alianza in order to gain compensation for the descendants of people whose land they had taken.
  • Chavez joins Filipino Table Grape Strike

    Chavez calls for the UNF to join the Filipino Strike on Table Grapes. This became nation-wide by 1968 as consumers also later joined the protests themselves. Eventually, companies were losing so much money from lack of demand and workers, as well many stores refusing to sell them from leftover product that they broke through.
  • Rodolpho "Corky" Gonzales formed Crusade for Justice

    Gonzales formed the Crusade for Justice in to protest school discrimination and lack of services (legal, medical, and financial) and jobs for Chicanos. This was also a movement to bring upon pride about Chicano Heritage.
  • Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO) is Formed

    Mexican American Youth Organization was formed to fight for Mexican American Rights. "Los Cinco" were the founders of this organization which would later join with Crusade for Justice to Protest the same things.
  • East LA, LA Citywide Walkouts

    Walkouts had begun in order to protest gross school treatment against Chicanos and Latinos. They suffered countless amounts of police brutality and 13 were arrested, later known as the East LA 13.
  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund Created

    This was the first find focused on Chicano rights and help, meaningful resource to many.
  • UWF President Chavez Begins Fasting

    Chavez began his fast in order to emphasize his point for nonviolence. He took after and even quoted Ghandi when he began. He fasted fro 25 days and eventually broke in March with Robert Kennedy at his side.
  • Puerto Rican Youth form Young Lords Organization

    In protest against their treatment at school and the brutality they went through, Puerto Rican Youth formed in the North the Young Lords Organization
  • Chavez is jailed for defying a court injunction against boycotting

    Chavez is jailed during the Lettuce Strike with an indefinite sentence until they stop the boycott. Later, they won after continuing the boycott by gaining contracts with grape-producers.
  • U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Wellness Memorandum

    The U.S Department of Health, Education, and Wellness released a memorandum that stated that students can not be denied access to Educational Programs for not speaking English.
  • Raza Unida Party Formed

    This was significant because this eventually served at a true, notable party catered towards Chicanos and Latinos. They were very prominent in the election and their members increased greatly around this time.
  • UFW March

    This was a March Through Coachella and Imperial Valleys to the US-Mexican Border in order to protest on the use of illegal immigrants in order to go against the cause.
  • Equal Educational Opportunity Act of 1974

    It prohibits discrimination against faculty, staff, and students, including racial segregation of students, and requires school districts to take action to overcome barriers to students' equal participation.
  • Southwest Voter Registration Education Project Begins

    This project got so many people registered to vote, this also caused progress in the type of officials elected and the voice people had in their country.
  • Two Chicanos Elected Governors

    Jerry Apodaca in New Mexico and Raul Castro in Arizona were elected the first ever Mexican-American governors.
  • Congress Votes Expand Voting Rights Act

    It made them require language assistance at polling stations
  • Henry Cisneros Becomes Mayor

    Henry Cisneros in San Antonia became the first ever Mexican-American Mayor of a major city.
  • California Voters Adopt Proposition 187

    This denied public services to illegal aliens.