Cesar Chavez
-Labor organizer and union leader
-Fought for improvement in conditions for farm workers.
-National Farm Workers Association .
-Organized many boycotts and protests
Cesar Chavez Link -
Mendez v Westminster
-Gonzalo Mendez not allowed to enroll his children in the school he wanted
-Law suit filed
-Segregation ended in California schools for Indian American and Asian American students
-Positive step for desegregation
Mendez v Westminster Link -
Creation of the American GI Forum
-"Education is our Freedom and Freedom Should be Everybody’s Business"
-Helped create more rights for hispanic veterans.
-Basic human rights
GI Forum Link -
National Farm Workers' Association starts strike against grape growers.
-Delano-area grape growers were treated badly for many years
-Latino and Filipinos came together to strike
-Lasted more than 5 years
-300 miles
Grape Strike Link -
Major Accomplishments
-Cause:sought social justice
-political organization that was founded in Texas called MAYO in 1967
-Many college students were active throughout this program
-In San Antonio they upped the voting percentage by 14% within the Mexican community
-continues to be a big influence in the Latino community as well as at other countries -
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
-Cause:Too many immigrants and wanted to fix broken immigration process
-President Reagan came up with the law
-Tight control on Mexican boarder
-No illegal immigrants in the work area
-Immigrants that entered the US before 1982 qualified for amnesty -
Obama's Executive Order Regarding Undocumented Child Immigrants
-Cause:Criticism for not doing anything about deportations
-Allowed teens 16 and older to stay and work
-800,000 teens were protected from being deported
-Obama said it was not amnesty but temporary
-People say this will lead to more illegal immigrants -
Problems in Today's Society
-On February 22, 2016 candidate Donald Trump’s name was used for a chant against Latinos
-Happened at Perry High School in Iowa
-The school is 48% minority
-Chant “Trump Trump Trump” was used to intimidate the players
-Constant for them
-They also have the highest unemployment rate
-The precent of Latinos have stayed the same but for Latinas it has gone down by .4%