Chesley Burnett Sulleberger III

  • Nacimiento de Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III

    Nacimiento de Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III
    Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger is born in Denilson, Texas, USA
  • he graduated from high school

    he graduated from high school
    He graduates from high school and joins the US Air Force, where he trains as a pilot.
  • aviation study in the air force

    aviation study in the air force
    Graduates from the Academy of United States Air Force Joined
  • I started working at US Airways

    I started working at US Airways
    He joins US Airways as a commercial pilot.
  • the day of the famous accident

    the day of the famous accident
    He makes the famous emergency landing in the Hudson River with Flight 1549, saving 155 people
  • the day he was recognized for the great feat

    the day he was recognized for the great feat
    Chesley Sullenberger is honored at Super Bowl XLIII, where he is invited along with the entire crew of Flight 1549 to be recognized as national heroes.
  • I return to fly

    I return to fly
    Sullenberger returns to flying with US Airways after completing his leave of absence and participating in several investigations and hearings into the accident.
  • He published his book with his autobiography

    He published his book with his autobiography
    Chesley Sullenberger publishes his book "Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters," an autobiography detailing his life, career and the landing on the Hudson